The E-Sylum v7#26, June 28, 2004
whomren at
whomren at
Mon Jun 28 20:53:30 PDT 2004
Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 7, Number 26, June 28, 2004:
an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society.
Copyright (c) 2004, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society.
Fred Lake writes: "Lake Books announces that its sale #75
is now available for viewing at:
The sale contains 491 lots of fine numismatic reference
material covering a wide variety of subjects. The U.S.
section features Bowers & Ruddy (Merena) sale catalogs
hardbound by year, a nice run of Thomas Elder emissions
and many of W.Elliot Woodward sales. The hard to find
two-volume set of Dave Bowers' Silver Dollars & Trade
Dollars in mint condition is offered and the very scarce
Empire Investors Report in original copies is listed.
Early Copper specialists will find books by Sheldon,
Noyes, Lapp, Jack Robinson, etc. to add to their libraries.
Ancient coinage, Token & Medal works, Paper Money
and Guidebooks are also to be found. Books relating to
treasure coinage, banking histories are listed in the
miscellaneous section.
The sale has a closing date of July 27, 2004. Bids may
be entered by email, fax, telephone or via U.S. Mail."
David M. Sundman of Littleton Coin Co., Inc., writes:
"I read with interest the recent report that "there were still
more than 100 former members who have not renewed for
the current year.
For many years I was a member of the NBS, and
mysteriously to me, about a year ago I discovered I wasnt
receiving The Asylum. I had my assistant Melissa Plasencia
check into this, and was shocked to discover that the notice
appeared in a certain issue of The Asylum. As I dont read
each issuebut save them all, I eventually discovered the
problem of my lapsed membership when I found I was
missing some issues.
From my experience managing a coin business with more than
150,000 active customers employing 325 staff, I can advise
you that there is a direct link between the declining membership
of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society and the current renewal
request technique. If I used such hidden message as you are
using to retain customers, I wouldnt be able to afford the
computer to send you this email.
Personally, I believe the NBSs present method of renewal is
crazy. It may make things easy for the NBS but it does not
make it easy for the NBS memberthus your high dropout
rate. I doubt that any for-profit publication would run their
renewal effort this way as it is guaranteed to increase your
discontinued rate because you have made it difficult for the
member/subscriber. The NBS should do a separate renewal
mailing, just as all publications do. Even though it adds a little
to the expense side, it is the only way you are going to grow
the organization membership."
Numismatic Bibliomania Society President Pete Smith writes:
"Thank you for your comments. We have had general
discussion about our renewal process at board meetings but
no uniform policy. Each of the Secretary/Treasurers on our
board has handled the process differently with varied emphasis
on e-mail notification, Asylum notification and letters.
It is obvious that we need to do more. We will discuss this again
at our board meeting in Pittsburgh."
One way to bypass the membership renewal process is to
become a Life Member. It's been a while since we mentioned
this option in The E-Sylum, so here goes. According to the
NBS constitution, Life Members are members who pay 20
years of regular membership dues in full in advance. At our
current rate of $15 per year to addresses in North America,
this equates to $300. See the next item for our Secretary-
Treasurer's address.
Asylum Editor E. Tomlinson Fort writes: "As has been stated
here over the past few weeks, July 1 is the deadline for those
who want to join the NBS or renew their membership in order
to receive our special 25th anniversary issue this summer. The
application for can be found at
and send it along with a cheque for $15 ($20 outside the US)
to our treasurer [see below]
In more Asylum news: The Spring issue is at the printer and
should be in the post within a fortnight or so. Believe it or not,
work on the Summer issue has been proceeding according to
schedule. It is hoped that it will be on its way to the printer
after the July 4 weekend."
W. David Perkins
NBS Secretary-Treasurer,
P.O. Box 3888, Littleton, CO 80161-3888.
email address: wdperki at
From last week's E-Sylum: "Illustrating the divisions that
surround Reagan's legacy is the following note ..."
Warner Talso writes: "I suggest you keep political diatribes
out of the E-Sylum. I understand how you justify this
"illustration", but this is truly a slippery slope."
Myron Xenos writes: "Sunday nights always afford me a
chance to gain some more numismatic knowledge, thanks to
The E-sylum. This Sunday, however, disturbed me more than
a little. I refer to the posthumous denigration of Pres. Ronald
Reagan. I would like to take this opportunity to suggest to the
readers and contributors to The E-Sylum that this seems like
an inappropriate forum in which to vent one's political
persuasions. It would seem that "Letters to the Editor" in such
newspapers as Numismatic News or Coin World would be a
more useful venue. It would be a shame to turn The E-Sylum
into a political opinion column and cause it to lose its novel
approach to disseminating information literally world-wide.
Even the writings of some of our esteemed authors and writers
lose their punch when political agendas rear their heads,
especially prior to elections. I would prefer to keep The
E-Sylum more narrowly defined in its goal of numismatic truth."
[I very rarely turn down any submission, and in the past have
published opinions from both sides of the political fence, as long
as there was a connection, preferably numismatic, to an ongoing
discussion. Having just discussed several proposals for
honoring Reagan, I didn't feel it would be out of line to include
a short opinion from the opposite camp.
Editing things out is just as slippery a slope as leaving
certain things in - it is difficult to know where to draw the line
and inevitably some party will feel wronged. Publishing any
plan to honor a public figure is almost guaranteed to generate
a counter from the opposite camp. Should we have not
published the several Reagan proposals in the first place?
That doesn't feel right, either. Any coinage proposal is fair
The majority of our writers self-censor their comments,
making such decisions unnecessary. This is certainly what I
prefer, as dealing with political issues is nothing I have the time
or patience for. So please, let's heed Warner and Myron's
advice and keep our comments focused on numismatics.
Thank you. -Editor]
Now here's a headline President Reagan would have
been shocked to read: "Medal for President Hinckley is 94th
birthday present"
"It comes from Utah's Deseret Morning News and the
Hinckley mentioned is not Reagan's would-be assassin
(whose last name is spelled differently), but Mormon
Church President Gordon B. Hinckley, who
"received a rare gift for his 94th birthday Wednesday a
Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian
"He was one of 13 recipients honored at an East Room
ceremony. Others included such people as Pope John Paul II
(who received his medal recently when Bush visited the
Vatican), golfer Arnold Palmer, actress Rita Moreno,
cosmetics company founder Estee Lauder and National
Geographic Society chairman Gilbert M. Grosvenor.
"President Hinckley, smiling and walking briskly, joked with
Bush as he placed the gold medal around his neck. When
President Hinckley was asked later what the two said, he
responded, "I was so awestruck that I can't remember what
he said."
"To show how much the treatment of his church has
improved since early persecution, President Hinckley
contrasted his high honor Wednesday with how Joseph
Smith, the first president of the church, was treated when
he visited Martin Van Buren in the White House in 1839.
"They came here to plead the case for our people who
had been despoiled and persecuted and driven, and were
turned down by President Van Buren who said, 'If I
help you, I will lose the state of Missouri,' and rebuffed him."
"The Medal of Freedom was established by President
Truman in 1945 to recognize civilians for their service in
World War II. It was reinstated by President Kennedy in
1963 to honor distinguished service.
Past winners include former U.S. presidents Carter, Ford
and Reagan; current Secretary of State Colin Powell (who
attended the ceremony Wednesday); former South African
president Nelson Mandela; civil rights activist Jesse Jackson;
and former Czech President Vaclav Havel.",1249,595072579,00.html
[This web site has more information on the Medal of
Freedom: -Editor]
Adrián González Salinas of Monterrey, N.L. México writes:
"As always, I enjoy reading The E-Sylum every Monday
morning. It's a superb electronic publication!
In accordance with NBS' 25th Anniversary I would like to
suggest the possibility to manage the striking of a
commemorative medal about this important fact. The medal
could be rectangular or square with The Asylum Vol. 1 No.
1 cover in the obverse. On the reverse could be the names
of the founders, for example.
This medal could produces some funds for our Society.
It would be interesting to know the reader's comments."
Karl Moulton writes: "This is the LAST CALL for submitting
your 19th century American auction catalogues for the census
that is being conducted by the NBS.
There has been a good response so far, considering that this
is the first attempt at such a compilation. Unfortunately, there
are several large, privately held libraries that haven't been able
to respond for various reasons. However, the results, which
are to be published in The Asylum, should be a nice guideline
for those interested in knowing the numbers of these catalogues
still extant.
Question: where did all of the nearly 5,000 Wylie hoard
catalogues end up?
For further information, please contact Karl Moulton at
numiscats at"
Paul Withers writes: "We have again been busy writing
and our laser-printer has been working overtime. This week
sees the publication of two more monographs in our
'Small Change' series.
IV The Halfpennies and Farthings of
Edward IV to Henry VII
V The Small Silver of Henry VIII to the Commonwealth
Vol VI, Irish Small Silver John to Edward VI was published
a short while back.
The cost is 12 GBP per vol. For those collectors of the British
hammered coin series in the USA who want copies this equates
to 26 US$ for one, 50 US$ for two. We accept US personal
cheques. Further details from our website:
We are currently working on Scottish silver coins that are
smaller than a penny - Alexander III to James III, so if you
have anything unusual or interesting, do let us know - and send
us a nice clear image or scan."
This week The Royal Canadian Mint donated a gold bar to
the Canadian Cancer Society:
"The Royal Canadian Mint presented a gold bar worth
$72,924 to the Canadian Cancer Society yesterday at its
historic Sussex Drive headquarters. The donation represents
the portion of the proceeds pledged from the sales of the
Mint's 2003 Golden Daffodil Coin."
"The Mint donated $2 from every 2003 Golden Daffodil
coin sold to support the Society's five priorities - prevention,
advocacy, research, information and support."
[The coin is a proof silver 50 cent piece with a mintage of
55,000. Interestingly, the coin's designer is Royal Canadian
Mint Engraver Christie Paquet, who bears the same last name as
U.S. Mint engraver Anthony C. Paquet. Is anyone aware of
a family connection between the two? -Editor]
To read the full story, complete with images, see
Last week Art Tobias questioned what the "Sc" in
"W.L.Ormsby Sc. N Y" stands for. Boy, did he ever come
to the right place for an answer.
Arthur Shippee writes: "Sc N.Y. suggests to me Schenectady"
That's a plausible explanation, but there's another more
likely answer. Ken Barr was among the first to discover it
with a clever Internet search. He writes: "Let me be one
of presumably many to report that ...
Sc. or Sculp. Sculpsit, He engraved it.
"sc." by itself was too broad a Google search term, so I
"cheated" by searching for "sc. fecit", figgering that the two terms
were related ..."
Wendell Wolka writes: "Some terms referring to the engraver
or etcher, the craftsman who created the printed image:
"f., fec., fect., fecit., fac., faciebat: made by or did.
Aquatinta fecit: engraved in aquatint by.
Lith., litho., lithog: lithographed by.
Sc., sculp., sculpsit., sculpt: carved or engraved.
Exc., exct., excudit: struck out or made. "
Early bank note engravers used both "Sc" or "fct".
So "W.L. Ormsby Sc. NY" would be the equivalent of saying
"Engraved by W.L. Ormsby New York".
Dave Bowers writes: "Sc = Sculpsit, in this case, "engraved it."
Ormsby made transfer rolls (as used in the siderographic
process for bank notes) with RAISED designs on them, which
were then transferred by Colt to the firearms."
Alan V. Weinberg, Gene Hessler and Joe Boling also submitted
"Sculpsit" as the answer.
Dick Johnson writes: "Art Tobias should have asked any
medalist (or medal collector!) worth his salt the meaning of
Sc. This abbreviation is among seven such abbreviations
found on, ironically, both paper engravings and medallic
engraving. Sc means sculpsit Latin for he (or she) sculpted
it or made it.
Medalists are familiar with this and the other six abbreviations.
The most common is Fecit or simply F after a name, very
similar to Sc, it means he (or she) did it (or made it, or created
Others are Del or Des meaning delineated it (as a rough
sketch) and designed it (a sketch with most all details). Both
of these are further abbreviated as D and obviously you do
not know which abbreviation was intended, but designed it
covers it.
More obscure are Inv Latin for invenit, the person who
invented or created it, and Inc Latin for incisit, the executor
of the design.
Most rare is Mod the person who models the relief, Latin
modellavit. Obviously you wont find this on flat engraving,
as for paper money (unless it was copied from a relief), but it
has appeared on medals.
Most numismatists mispronounce fecit. It is notable for
appearing on certain U.S. coins. Gobrecht signed his1836
Seated Liberty silver dollar with both F and Fec after his
name on the base of the obverse device or below. Unknowing
collectors say something like fek-it or fac-it. The
correct pronunciation is FEE-sit.
Among medallic sculptors, they chide each other by referring
to fecit as faked it. As Hey Bill I see you signed your
model Jones Faked It! Perhaps you could chide a fellow
sculptor, but NOT a superior artist. I cant imagine anyone
saying that to August St-Gaudens or Adolph Weinman.
That should answer Art Tobias question about W.L. Ormsby
Sc N Y and explain what Sc stands for. But, tell me, what
does that strange N Y stand for?"
Last week we asked who was the person who first suggested
the slogan, "In God We Trust" for U.S. coinage. The bonus
question was, "in what publication was this fact first
So far, there has been no response to the bonus question.
As for the main question, Ray Williams writes: "The answer to
your question is a minister from Pennsylvania, M. R.
Watkinson on November 13, 1861. Those were truly troubled
times in our history!"
David Ganz writes: "From the records of the Treasury
Department, it appears that the first suggestion of the
recognition of the Deity on the coins of the United States was
contained in a letter addressed to the Secretary of the
Treasury, Hon. Salmon P. Chase, by the Rev. M. R.
Watkinson, Minister of the Gospel, Ridleyville, Pa., under
date of November 13, 1861.
"One fact touching our currency has hitherto been seriously
overlooked, I mean the recognition of the Almighty God in
some form in our coins," Rev. Watkinson wrote to Secretary
Chase. "You are probably a Christian. What if our Republic
were now shattered beyond reconstruction? Would not the
antiquaries of succeeding centuries rightly reason from our
past that we were a heathen nation? What I propose is that
instead of the goddess of liberty we shall have next inside the
13 stars a ring inscribed with the words "perpetual union";
within this ring the allseeing eye, crowned with a halo; beneath
this eye the American flag, bearing in its field stars equal to the
number of the States united; in the folds of the bars the words
"God, liberty, law." This would make a beautiful coin, to
which no possible citizen could object. This would relieve us
from the ignominy of heathenism. This would place us
openly under the Divine protection we have personally
claimed. "From my heart I have felt our national shame in
disowning God as not the least of our present national disasters.
To you first I address a subject that must be agitated," he
A week later, on November 20, 1861, Secretary Chase wrote
to James Pollock, the Director of the Mint, "No nation can be
strong except in the strength of God, or safe except in His
defense. The trust of our people in God should be declared
on our national coins."
He concluded with a mandate: "You will cause a device to be
prepared without unnecessary delay with a motto expressing
in the fewest and tersest words possible this national recognition."
[For more information, see my own web site:
Gene Hessler writes: "Regarding the use of "In God We Trust"
on coins, readers might be interested in an article I wrote for
PAPER MONEY in 1978: Precursors of the Motto "In God
We Trust." "God and our Right," and "In God is our Trust"
were used on some interest-bearing treasury notes and
compound interest treasury notes during the Civil War.
Although not authorized for use on paper money until 1957,
"In God We Trust" appears on the back of the $5 silver
certificate, Series 1986. The reverse of the Morgan silver
dollar is part of the design with "In God We Trust" clearly
Arthur Shippee reported the following item from
The Ethicist, a column in the latest New York Times
Q: "I have a counterfeit quarter. I don't know where I picked
it up, but it is obviously fake. Spending it would be wrong.
It is hard to imagine the police taking an interest in it, so I have
not reported it. But maybe this reluctance to report a fake
25-cent piece is why counterfeiters coin quarters in the first
place. Can you solve my two-bit problem?"
A: "It would not be honorable either to spend the fake or to
pass it along to another sucker. If someone steals my TV,
I may not replace it by burgling the house next door. But
I'm with you: the intriguing question is, Who would bother
to counterfeit a quarter? In your place, I'd have it mounted
and framed, a monument to the grotesque squandering of
human ingenuity (you know, like prime-time TV).
Curiously, I have witnessed the shadowy world of the
counterfeit quarter. When I was a teenager, I took a metal-
shop class where we were taught sand-casting, which for
the timid majority like me meant pressing a wooden plaque
into a box of sand, removing it and then pouring molten
aluminum into the impression it left. The result: an aluminum
plaque that said -- if memory serves, and it doesn't --
''Say No to Books'' or ''Drugs Are Fundamental'' or
something. A friend of mine, taking metal shop at a nearby
junior high school, instead pressed quarters into the damp
sand and used his aluminum knockoffs to buy lunch in the
cafeteria. His life of crime lasted about three days. But we
were all impressed when Treasury agents came to the
cafeteria and hauled him away. Ah, school days."
To read the full article, see:
Dick Johnson writes: "The Lincoln Bicentennial Commission
in Washington met on June 7th and announced last week they
would like the Mint to do something special with the Lincoln
Cent in 2009 -- Lincoln's 200th birth anniversary (and
centennial of the Lincoln Cent, don't forget).
They would like a special reverse change, even several designs
made for the anniversary year (retaining Victor Brenner's
obverse!). Michael F. Bishop, spokesman, said this "could
include three or four different designs .. reflecting different
significant themes or locations in Lincoln's life."
The commission also said it would like to see the color of the
cent changed for that year. [That's easy! Instead of copper
clad zinc, used at present, formulate the two metals into
yellow-brass using the same two metals. The composition,
weight, diameter, specific gravity would all be the same.
Only color and surface resistively would be different! It
should present NO problems of rolling the strip stock,
blanking, upsetting or striking, because of the similarity of
the two alloys. The same suppliers of blanks could be used
and the cost should be nearly the same in the quantity
The commission meets next on September 20th. Any ideas,
E-Sylum readers? Email the Commission at:
ALincBi-Comm at Their website:
One sideline of certain token collectors are food stamps
and food stamp change tokens. In the U.S. token section of
my library is a June 1980 fixed price list by Paul Cunningham
containing an article by Neil Shafer titled "Food Stamp Tokens"
These came into use after 1939 when the U.S. government
created the original Food Stamp Plan. Recipients could buy
food stamps at a discount or receive some free. Grocers were
required to accept the stamps but could not give out cash in
change - they were required to provide change substitutes that
could only be redeemed for food. The program went through
several changes and in 1978 it was decided to allow merchants
to use regular coins as change. In the meantime a large number
of food stamp change substitutes were created and issued by
grocers in towns all across the country.
Can any of our readers tell us if a more recent catalog of
food stamps tokens has been published? Have any of the
major numismatic institutions collected examples?
The Food Stamp program is taking another turn. The
New York Times reported in a June 23, 2004 article
that electronic cards will replace food stamp coupons:
"The Bush administration announced Tuesday that it
had completed one of the biggest changes in the history
of the food stamp program, replacing paper coupons with
electronic benefits and debit cards.
At the same time, the administration said it wanted to rename
the program because the term "food stamps" had become an
anachronism. It is inviting the public to suggest how to update
the name of a program that became a permanent part of the
government, and the nation's vocabulary, during Lyndon B.
Johnson's Great Society era."
"Food stamp recipients generally like debit cards because
they avoid the stigma that can be associated with the use of
paper coupons. Grocers like the new technology because they
are paid faster, often within 48 hours; cashiers do not have to
handle vouchers; and there are no coupons to sort, count and
"Robbin Smoke, 44, said she would prefer to have the paper
coupons. "The cards don't always work," she said. "It's a pain.
You can't get cash back now."
She and several other food stamp recipients said they found it
somewhat easier to keep track of their unused benefits when
they had a booklet of paper coupons."
To read the full article, see:
In response to our earlier question, David Gladfelter writes:
"The American Journal of Numismatics only published heavily
condensed excerpts from the Crosby manuscript. Using
Sydney P. Noe's 50 year index I found condensations of the
Vermont chapter in vol. 9, p. 49, the Fugio chapter at 10:1
including the Continental Currency piece and the Mass. Pine
Tree and Janus coppers, and the Nova Constellatios including
the Mark and Quint at 10:25. All were illustrated by plates
made up of the Crosby text drawings. All were published in
Dick Johnson writes: "I got my July Numismatist and
read your article on Heeren Brothers of Pittsburgh with
great pleasure! You are to be congratulated! Take a bow.
Oh! If we only had such quality articles with such great
research on other American medallic companies.
How do you do all this, with new baby in house, and all
the details of a General Chairman, and keep up with weekly
E-Sylum, and all your other projects?"
[I have no idea how I'm managing it all, actually. But
my other numismatic projects are gathering dust, and I
don't get much sleep. I wrote the Heeren article on a plane
to Phoenix a couple months ago. At lunchtime last Thursday
I completed four exhibit applications and got them in the
mail to Colorado Springs. This weekend we took the kids to
see Niagara Falls and just returned, with pockets full of
Canadian coins to add to the kids' collections. Somehow
the American Numismatic Association convention this August
will all come together, but I have a feeling that sometime during
the banquet my head will plummet face first into my salad for
a nap... -Editor]
Addressing a subject we've touched on before in The E-Sylum,
the June 22 Wall Street Journal had an interesting article about
the odd and curious things used book sellers find inside the
pages of their merchandise:
"A book is a good place to stash personal, valuable,
embarrassing stuff. Unless, forgetting all about the stuff, you
sell the book to a used book store.
"I'd always have a book with me when I got arrested," said
Richard Ryan on being told that his 1985 rap sheet had fallen
out of a book at the Strand, a store on Broadway in Manhattan
where anybody can flip through a heap of two million volumes.
"Books end up as filing cabinets," Mr. Ryan says, remembering
his days as a student apartheid protester. "I'm sure I got my
arrest ticket and filed it in the book."
"At the Strand's main desk, Richard Lilly said, "Let this be a
warning to those who don't look through books before they
sell. Bored clerks see it all."
"Yesterday, I found this really cool picture of this naked
wrestler guy," Ms. Thompson says. In the fiction department,
Ben McFall says: "I have a collection at home, which I can't
bring in, of men in negligees. How do these things get away
from people?"
"Used books often gain value from forgotten paper -- paper
money, for example; the Strand's staff rakes in lots of that.
They haven't yet found a "hell scene with fish monster," as
Cristiana Romelli did two years ago at Sotheby's in London.
The original Hieronymus Bosch sketch fell out of a client's
old picture album and sold for $276,000. A few years earlier,
her colleague Julien Stock found a Michelangelo stuck in a
19th-century scrap book. In 2001, that one brought its
owner $12 million.
The Strand did buy a $15 doodled-over book of drawings
by the Renaissance artist Ucello. The doodler was Salvador
[So, dear readers, what interesting things have you happened to
find in purchases of numismatic literature? -Editor]
Speaking of things found in books, Bill Murray writes:
"The following item was sort of buried in COIN WORLD,
and I doubt many read it:
"John Andrew, reporting on a London auction in COIN
WORLDs June 28th issue, noted only one book was
offered, Snellings British Coins. He writes, It is not the
volume itself that is of interest, but a four-page handwritten
note it contains. Dated 1756, it is addressed To the
Curious and deals with the value of coins. It points out
that a coins value depends much on its preservation,
but more on the Generosity of the purchaser
This week's featured web site is A.J. Gatlin's
- "a repository of coins featured in major numismatic auctions.
It brings together the text, images, and prices realized from
catalogs issued by some of the world's most prestigious coin
firms. With this site, you can search and view coin lots from
a growing database of auctions."
Wayne Homren
Numismatic Bibliomania Society
The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a
non-profit organization promoting numismatic
literature. For more information please see
our web site at
There is a membership application available on
the web site. To join, print the application and
return it with your check to the address printed
on the application. Membership is only $15 to
addresses in North America, $20 elsewhere.
For those without web access, write to W. David
Perkins, NBS Secretary-Treasurer,
P.O. Box 3888, Littleton, CO 80161-3888.
For Asylum mailing address changes and other
membership questions, contact David at this email
address: wdperki at
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