The E-Sylum v7#46, November 14, 2004 [resend]

whomren at whomren at
Tue Nov 16 19:12:15 PST 2004

Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 7, Number 46, November 14, 2004:
an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society.
Copyright (c) 2004, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society.


   Some subscribers reported not receiving their issue.
   It was originally mailed about Noon EST Monday, November


   The computer's feeling a little better, but unfortunately
   this issue was delayed as well.  We may need to switch to
   a Monday morning publishing schedule for a while.  Just keep
   those submissions coming!  -Editor


   Among recent new subscribers is Neil McCormick, courtesy of
   Darryl Atchison.  Welcome aboard!  We now have 698


   Dick Johnson writes: “The 25th Anniversary Issue of The
   Asylum arrived last week and it has provided me perhaps
   the best four hours of perusing, reading, viewing,
   scanning, underlining, and note-taking I have enjoyed in
   a long time. It is amazing how a modicum of ink can
   transform paper into numismatic knowledge. This is, indeed,
   a most useful reference work in our beloved field of
   numismatic books.

   Congratulations to all -- contributors, editors and to the
   officers of the NBS.  Gentlemen -- join hands, step forward
   at stage center and take a collective bow. Please accept
   the acclamation of the hundreds of NBS members who
   undoubtedly join me in applauding your signal achievement
   in issuing this special anniversary edition!”

   [Absolutely a great issue, and Asylum Editor Tom Fort
   deserves most of the credit for originating the concept,
   recruiting articles, and seeing the project through to

   Of particular interest to E-Sylum readers may be my own
   contribution to the issue, an article documenting the
   early days of The E-Sylum.  –Editor]


  Numismatic literature dealer John H. Burns writes: "I
  will have a table at the following upcoming shows:

  Nov 19-21, Cleveland, OH
  Nov 26-28, Michigan State show, Dearborn, MI
  Dec 3-5, Baltimore, MD

  I will be offering numismatic books, auction catalogs,
  pamphlets etc. and other works spanning from
  17th-century antiquarian works to in-print Krause,
  Bowers, Spinks and other titles. I can be contacted at
  johnh.burns at ."


   In the U.S., the Public Broadcasting System (PBS) will
   air a documentary on the S.S. Republic November 17th.
   Titled "Civil War Gold," the show discusses the final hours,
   discovery and recovery of the Civil War era steamship,
   from which a hoard of gold coins has been recovered.
   The National Geographic special airs at 8pm ET/PT.


   Regarding John Adams’ quest for a four page pamphlet,
   published in 1783, describing the Libertas Americana
   medal, Larry Lee writes: “The Bryon Reed Coin and
   Manuscript Collection at the Durham Western Heritage
   Museum in Omaha has a copy of the Dupre pamphlet. I
   placed a reproduction of the pamphlet along with Reed's
   Libertas Americana medal in the "Medals" display case
   when I designed the gallery several years ago, and I
   believe it is still on display.”


   On November 13 the Free Lance-Star of Fredericksburg,
   VA published an article about a holed large cent, which,
   according to curators of the U.S. National Slavery Museum
   scheduled to open in Fredericksburg in 2007, is a "slave

   The article states that "masters gave the coins to slaves as
   a reward for some small act of loyalty. Slaves apparently
   made holes in the coins to wear them around their necks.

   Damron said the museum is in the process of doing research
   to learn more about the coins and the people linked to them.
   The topic is one that is also of interest to archaeologists, who
   have varying theories about their meaning and significance."

   The cent, discovered some time ago near a creek bank,
   is being donated to the museum.  It will be the second one
   in the museum's collection.

   The first came from Gerald Foster, a volunteer scholar in
   residence with the museum and husband of the executive
   director. He said the 1846 coin was passed down through
   the family from his great-grandfather Elijah Chisolm.

   Foster found the coin about five years ago as he was looking
   through a box of coins saved by his family. He asked family
   members and acquaintances about the piece to learn about
   its history.

   He presumes Chisolm--who was born about 1858 or 1860
   -- was a slave, but he has not yet been able to document
   that as fact."

   [We've discussed slave badges before, but is anyone aware
    of references to the wearing of holed coins by slaves in
    numismatic literature or elsewhere?  -Editor]


   Regarding last week’s item about the discovery of
   early paper money printing plates, Michael Bailey
   writes: “Not to nitpick, but that was Charleston
   *SOUTH* Carolina.  Although I am but a recently-
   relocated resident here, I can tell you that the
   denizens of this fine place exhibit a fierce local

   [OOPS.  Sorry for the confusion.  Often in our rush
   to get an issue out we miss errors that might
   otherwise get caught.  I can’t call it a typo, but
   an old colleague had a name for it – a “brain-o”.


   Writing in response to our excerpts from a November 2
   New York Times article, Joe Boling writes:
   “The New York Times is showing its ignorance again,
   parroting the statement that has also appeared in other
   sources that the new Japanese banknotes feature the
   "first formal portrait of a woman on a Japanese bank
   note." Few numismatists are unaware of the so-called
   "princess" notes of the 1880s, which bore a VERY formal
   portrait of the Empress Regent Jingu (170-269). That
   same resolute woman appears in warrior garb on the
   back of the ten yen note of 1873.

   In addition, there have been scattered women in scenes
   on other notes. More recently, on the back of the
   current 2000 yen note is a small portrait of Murasaki
   Shikibu (978-1015?), most famously known as the author
   of the Genji Monogatari (and many other prominent


   The Advocate of Southern Connecticut reported on
   November 10 that “A judge yesterday found the National
   Collector's Mint engaged in deceptive advertising while
   trying to sell coins allegedly made of pure silver
   recovered from the World Trade Center site, New York
   Attorney General Eliot Spitzer said.

   New York state Supreme Court Justice Joseph Cannizzaro
   f Albany County ruled that the coin company, based in
   Port Chester, N.Y., and operated by Avram Freedberg of
   Stamford, engaged in fraud, false advertising and
   deceptive business practices in the marketing of the
   2004 Freedom Tower Silver Dollar.

   The coin is ostensibly designed to commemorate the Sept.
   11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center.
   Spitzer had obtained a temporary court order last month
   prohibiting the sales and marketing of the coin during
   the lawsuit.

   Yesterday, Cannizzaro permanently enjoined National
   Collector's Mint from engaging in the fraudulent and
   deceptive practices it was accused of. Penalties and
   refunds to consumers will be decided in court next month.”

   To read the full story, which is based in part on an
   Associated Press report, see:,0,7524012.story


   In previous issues we have discussed sales of the
   rare Victoria Cross medal (see The E-Sylum v7n17,
   for example, which discusses the medal awarded to
   Cpl. Filip Konowal, a Ukrainian immigrant to Canada.

   On November 8 the Canadian Press published a story
   about the upcoming auction of the Victoria Cross
   awarded to another Canadian, Cpl. Fred Topham, “a
   former hard-rock miner from Toronto.”

   “Topham earned the Commonwealth's highest military
   award for valour when he dashed headlong into enemy
   fire to save the lives of dozens of wounded soldiers
   in Germany on March 24, 1945.”

   “Topham's Victoria Cross is one of only 16 awarded
   to Canadians in the Second World War and the only
   one earned by the 6th Airborne Division, despite
   its record of heavy fighting. It's billed as the
   second-last Victoria Cross awarded to a Canadian
   in the Second World War.

   The medal has attracted the attention of a wealthy
   collector who's offered $319,000, but the family has
   agreed to sell it to the 1st Canadian Parachute
   Battalion Association if it can raise $275,000 by
   the end of the year.

   Those involved in the campaign say the medal,
   appraised at $250,000, must not be lost.

   "This is a piece of Canadiana which is never going
   to be replicated,” says Capt. Charles (Chick)

   To read the full story, see:


   On November 11, 2004 the Des Moines Register published
   an article about a native son who received the Silver
   Star medal for valor under fire in Iraq.

   “With bullets and rocket-propelled grenades zinging
   around him, Patrick Jordan, 24, helped rescue 20 soldiers
   pinned down in a Baghdad alley last spring and then, by
   thinking fast, saved six soldiers after their Humvee
   broke down under heavy fire.

   Six years earlier, both Valley High School and North
   High School had kicked Jordan out of school for having
   "no personal drive," he said. He got his diploma from
   Walnut Creek alternative high school in 1998 and joined
   the Army 17 days later "to try to do something with my
   life."  Last month, the Army awarded Jordan the Silver
   Star, the nation's third-highest wartime award.

   "It's rare," said an Army spokesman, Lt. Col. Kevin Arata,
   adding that only 160 soldiers received the medal between
   Sept. 11, 2001, and this summer. "It's something that
   says a lot about an individual."

   During the four-hour journey, Jordan stuck his head out
   the tank hatch, firing more than 400 rounds, hitting
   20 to 30 rebels. He doesn't remember feeling fear, even
   when his tank was hit six times by rocket-propelled
   grenades.  "You get mad and you get frustrated and you
   turn around and make sure the guy next to you is OK. I
   was more worried about making a mistake and putting my
   tank in the wrong position."

   "I might've got the Silver Star, but we're all heroes,"
   said Jordan, who has since been promoted to staff

   "Everyone who served. They're all heroes. No matter
   what war they fought in or if it was peacetime. They
   took time out of their lives to serve. Not everybody
   does that."”


   It should be noted that an earlier Silver Star awardee
   was numismatist Roscoe E. Staples, who was killed in
   action in the South Pacific August 2, 1943.

   QUICK QUIZ:  Who was  Staples, and what does he
   have in common with numismatists David Proskey,
   H.G. Sampson, Lorin Parmelee, Charles Steigerwalt,
   Dr. Thomas Hall, Virgil Brand, B. G. Johnson and
   James Kelly?


   Regarding last week’s item about the upcoming film
   “National Treasure,” Dave Lange writes: “I suppose
   there's nothing profound in noting that the entire
   premise of this movie is ridiculous. Anyone who has
   done some reading about the Founding Fathers' struggle
   to finance the revolution, repay America's resulting
   debts and establish the nation's credit will laugh
   at the notion that this wealth would have been
   squirreled away. Any such treasure would have been
   drawn upon immediately.”

   [I am shocked, SHOCKED! to learn that a Hollywood
   film plays loosely with historical facts.  One can
   only cringe at the forthcoming garbled explanations
   of the symbolism on our currency in the name of
   entertainment.  Still, any publicity to the general
   public that makes more people actually LOOK at their
   money is probably a good thing.  Thursday evening I
   learned another plot detail from a television promo –
   that the time shown on the clock atop Philadelphia’s
   Independence Hall is significant.   So, can any of our
   sharp-eyed readers tell us the time?  More importantly,
   has the time changed as the design evolved over the
   years?  One of the numerous holes in the film’s plot
   is undoubtedly the fact that many subtle changes are
   made over the years to the engraved images on our
   currency, such as the “disappearing fingers” of Andrew
   Jackson on the $20 bill.  Any clues placed there by
   government employees could well be obliterated in the
   march of time. –Editor]


   Regarding our earlier discussions of coin shops in
   Department stores, Henry Bergos writes: “Gimbels
   Coin stores used to be owned by Friedberg. When we
   were friends he told me that when he closed them he
   reduced his gross income by about 90% and increased
   his net by about 50%. Overhead ate him alive. I used
   to go to the one in downtown Brooklyn with a friend
   of mine when I was a kid. They didn't do enough
   business to make it worth while.”

   Larry Gaye writes: “The wonderful old Hudson's
   department store (all thirteen stories) on Woodward
   Ave. in Detroit had a superb coin department in their
   mezzanine.  This store was where everyone went to shop
   for everything because there was no place else to shop
   except downtown as there were no malls.  People still
   lived in the city and the suburbs were just starting.
   You had to take the bus downtown as most people only
   had one car.  The reason for this is that only the
   father worked and you did your shopping on Saturday.
   It was a major treat to go downtown and you had to
   dress for the occasion even if traveling by city bus.

   I can remember early in my numismatic career seeing
   coins and other numismatic material there that other
   coin shops didn't carry. Purchases there included
   uncirculated 100 Ruble Notes of Nicholas II for .50
   each, and you could get consecutive serial numbers to
   boot.  Another purchase was my first commemorative half,
   a Colombian Half dollar in AU for .75, I should have
   sprung for the UNC, it was only a buck; at age 7 or 8
   a dollar was hard to come by.

   I will never forget the place.  The entire building was
   demolished a few years ago and with it a lot of dreams.
   Incidentally, Hudson's was the place for the Thanksgiving
   Parade every year and going to that parade was a real

   The second department store is here in Portland, Meier
   and Frank.  They had a coin shop in their downtown store.
   It was quite a good shop though I wasn't in Portland soon
   enough to take advantage of it.  I believe the coin shop
   closed around ten years ago. The store is going strong.”

   Pete Smith writes: “Please allow me to participate in the
   discussion of department store coin shops. Although I
   believe some of this is "common knowledge" among
   bibliophiles, some may learn from it.

   Robert Friedberg (1912-1963) established a coin department
   at Gimbels in New York. Gradually he expanded to shops in
   other Gimbels branches plus other department stores until
   his network covered 38 states. He also established the
   Coins and Currency Institute. At the time of his death he
   employed 125 people. Thus many of the leased department
   shops were related.

   There is a literature connection. It is my understanding
   that generic price lists were produced and then overprinted
   with the name of the local department store. I have not
   seen enough on the secondary market to confirm this. I
   don't know if most were discarded or if there is not
   enough interest to list them in literature sales.

   On to Mark Borckardt's comments on Howard Newcomb. Newcomb
   retired in 1927 which I believe is too early for department
   store coin shops.  Newcomb, Endicott & Co. was absorbed
   into Hudson's Store in Detroit. Hudson's later merged with
   Dayton's in Minneapolis. Dayton's spun off a discount chain
   called Target. After Target outgrew Dayton's, the company
   name was changed to Target Corporation and the department
   stores became Marshall-Fields branches. Then Target sold
   off the non-productive department store subsidiary. In
   effect the child divorced the parent.

   Dayton's had a coin department that I visited in the 1960s.
   I think the shop remained there quite a while. I may have
   bought supplies there but couldn't afford their coins.”


   Regarding blind collectors, Larry Gaye writes: “There is
   a very active blind coin dealer (be nice, I know what you
   are all thinking) here in Oregon.  Monte Mensing has
   been an active collector and dealer for many years and is
   a major dealer in the mid Willamette Valley here in Oregon.
   Monte didn't lose his sight till around age thirteen.  He
   suffers from macular degeneration and has a lot of help
   in his shop from sighted folk.  He can see some up close
   and is passionate about coins. His memory is fantastic.”


   J. C. Spilman writes: “I see that the thickest/thinnest
   contest is still alive and well and thought I would
   add my tuppence worth regarding The Colonial Newsletter
  (CNL) which currently requires about eight volumes for
   binding and has a total of 3096 printed pages including
   various inserts and the cumulative index. The current
   cumulative page number is 2773 but that does not include
   several issues that had their own integral page
   numbering system such as the review edition of Dr. Phil
   Mossman's book "Money . . . "  (CNL-74) which contains
   196 pages plus xii but is indexed in the cumulative
   index as a single page number 964,  and several others
   of like ilk.”

   [Were we to make this a formal contest, periodicals
   would doubtless be given separate categories of their
   own, such as maximum number of pages per year and
   cumulative number of pages since inception.  In my own
   library, that award would go to the American Numismatic
   Associations’ Numismatist magazine, which spans over
   eighteen shelf feet.  Worldwide there are likely several
   periodicals which best the Numismatists’ cumulative
   total.  What is the longest continually published
   numismatic periodical, and the one with the most
   cumulative pages published since inception?  -Editor]


   Darryl Atchison writes: "Could you please ask our readers
   for some help on my behalf?  I am trying to confirm the
   existence of several Canadian numismatic auction sale
   catalogues.  These were all listed by Ray Malone in 1995
   but I have not seen them.

   Charlton Auctions or Charlton International Inc.
   or Charlton Numismatics
   May 25, 1984

   Frank Rose
   September 13, 1975
   September 20, 1975
   May 1, 1976

   Chuck Moore Auctions
   February 18, 1977
   January 13, 1978
   June 3, 1978
   January 8, 1979
   March 11, 1983
   January 25, 1985

   If any of our readers have any of these sales, please let
   me know at atchisondf at  Thank you very much."


   E-Sylum readers love words, and we occasionally feature
   unusual numismatically-related words.  In the November/
   December issue of PAPER MONEY, the official journal of the
   Society of Paper Money Collectors, editor Fred L. Reed III
   writes: “I thought I knew it all, but I learned a new word
   recently: Chrematophobia (fear of money).  It seems
   futurists are the principal sufferers of this malady.
   Their phobic crystal balls forsee imminent demise of money
  (as we knew it and collected it in our lifetimes).
   Electronic blips will replace cash, checks, credits and
   the other stuff of which our collections are comprised.
   Since it’s hard to collect blips, I for one am glad I’m
   inoculated against Chrematophobia, aren’t you?”


   David Fanning, Editor-in-Chief of our print journal, The
   Asylum, has a nice article in the November 2004 issue of
   the American Numismatic Association’s Numismatist magazine
   on “Collectors Who Served in the Civil War’.  The article
   discusses the military service of several early U.S. coin
   dealers and collectors, including John Haseltine, Edouard
   Frossard, Lyman Low, Ebenezer Locke Mason, Joseph N.T.
   Levick, George Massamore, Richard Davids, Mark Collet &
   William Bramhall.  Philadelphia physician Mark Collet was
   killed in 1863 at the Battle of Chancellorsville; Davids
   died the same year on the second day of the Battle of


   Dick Johnson writes: “I accept Chris Faulkner’s request
   for information on the upsetting machine. We cannot say
   it was invented, it was more like "developed." But we
   do know who should receive credit – Matthew Boulton!
   If there is one person who was responsible for modern
   coins and coining technology it was Matthew Boulton.

   Every numismatist should build a shrine to this one man
   -- we would not have modern coins, or perhaps, modern
   numismatics -- without this manufacturing genius. (I will
   put his picture on my wall next to Leonard Forrer who is
   my hero for compiling a directory of world coin and medal
   artists, what I am trying to do for American artists).
   [And a thank you also, to Dick Doty for his fantastic 1998
   book on Matthew Boulton "The Soho Mint" – Dick, send me
   your picture, I’ll put it next to the others!]

   Before Matthew Boulton, coins were essentially struck on
   the manual screw presses. Blanks were fed by hand one at
   a time. I won’t say it was a slow process, I was amazed
   to learn they could strike as many as 20 to 30 a minute!,
   as several men swung the arms of the screw press around
   and back while the "coin setter" retrieved the struck coin
   and inserted the next blank. They had great rhythm!

   Boulton took his partner James Watt’s invention, the
   steam engine, eliminated the men swinging the arms and
   applied steam power to the screw press. Boulton learned
   of Jean Pierre Droz’s (and Gengembre’s) invention at the
   Paris Mint of an automatic feed and delivery system which
   could be attached to the screw press. Boulton hired Droz
   in 1790 for his Soho Mint in Birmingham (Droz makes
   improvements, engraved some dies, but returns to France
   nine years later).

   Existing blanks at first jammed the press (imagine those,
   mint error collectors!) They needed blanks in quantity
   that were uniform and perfectly round for automatic feed.
   Cause of the trouble were the burrs around the trailing
   edge of the blank from the blanking die shearing through
   the metal strip.

   At first they hired young Birmingham boys, even 8 to 10
   years old, to put a handful of blanks in a leather bag
   and shake the hell out of the bag. The blanks knocked
   against each other and "deburred" the edges. Remember
   this is the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, so
   they had to find a better IR way. They did this by
   putting more blanks in a barrel and rotated the barrel
   a process similar today called "barrel tumbling"
   which is speeded up by adding steel balls smaller than
   the blanks so they can be sieved out later]. This action
   also deburrs the blanks.

   By 1797 Boulton’s team had developed a machine he called
   a "rimmer" – still called that in England today – here in
   the colonies we call it an "upsetting machine." [I like the
    British term better, but rimmer sounds too much like an
   erotic toy for Americans to widely accept the term.]
   Boulton’s rimmer did five things: removed the burrs,
   smoothes the edge, rounds the edge, made the blanks
   perfectly round, and thicken the edge.

   Modern upsetting machines still do these five things. Mint
   error collectors call blanks before upsetting "type 1" after
   upsetting "type 2." Type 1 blanks are fed into an upsetting
   machine and they travel in a channel on a spiral track
   through ever smaller and smaller walls which forces the
   blank’s diameter to become less and less. The metal at the
   edge builds up on both surfaces, thus making the blank
   thicker around the circumference (ideal for raised rim

   To answer your second question, Chris, who else uses
   upsetting machines? I live near the Naugutuck Valley of
   Connecticut where machine shops and metalworking plants are
   on every block in every industrial area. I should ask some
   of these. But the obvious answers are anything that is
   "coined," that is stuck between dies at room temperature:
   Buttons, small parts, washers, rings, the list is lengthy.
   Some odd shaped parts are coined from round blanks because
   of the ease and speed of striking these, then trimmed to
   shape afterwards.

   I learned of the upsetting machine close up when Medallic
   Art Company bought its first coining press in 1967. We
   bought the press in Germany, but upsetting machines are made
   in England (okay, rimmers!) and we couldn’t get one right
   away. My boss, Bill Louth, happened to mention this to Eva
   Adams, then Director of the U.S. Mint. "We got some we’re
   not using," she said, "I’ll lend you one." Sure enough,
   until a new one came from England, we used a U.S. Mint
   upsetting machine for upsetting blanks to strike medals!
   The first of these were the Illinois Sesquicentennial
   Medal of 1968 in silver dollar size."


   Arthur Shippee forwarded a link to an article about two
   Indiana high school seniors bringing together Roman
   numismatics and science for a science fair project:

   “Clay High School seniors Andrew Betson, left, and Christo
   Sevov hold ancient Roman coins Thursday morning. The two
   are regional finalists for the Siemens Westinghouse Math,
   Science and Technology competition. They will travel to
   Austin, Texas, next weekend to present their project.
   Betson and Sevov determined the element composition of
   Roman coins and correlated the results with the decline
   of the empire.”

   "What we did," Betson explained, "was determine the
   composition of the coins as a way of tracking the fluency
   of Roman society."

   “Betson and Sevov said they were able to observe a
   correlation between good and bad Roman times based on the
   elemental composition and date of each coin.

   Using X-ray fluorescence technology at the University of
   Notre Dame, Betson and Sevov discovered that the earlier
   coins made during a strong Roman economy were minted with
   pure silver.

   As the economy and empire began to decline about A.D. 300,
   cheaper materials such as copper and zinc were being used
   to mint money. The two even found the poisonous element of
   arsenic in some of the later coins.”

   "I have always loved history," said Betson, who is
   considering attending either Bowdoin College in Maine or
   Brown University in Rhode Island next year. "I wanted to
   combine history with physics."

   To read the full article in the South Bend Tribune, see:


   Usually it’s the activities of dumb bank robbers we
   read about.  Now the police are losing a few I.Q.
   points, too.

   This week Reuters reported that “An Albany man turned
   himself into police after seeing himself on TV news
   robbing a bank but was turned away by officers who
   told him to come back the next day, police said on
   Tuesday.   Albany resident Darrell Lewis, 40,
   surrendered to police hours after his Nov. 1 holdup
   of a downtown bank but was told to come back the next
   day to be arrested.

   Lewis went to a different station the following day
   and was charged with robbery...”

   To read the full article, see:


   This week's featured web site is suggested by Larry
   Mitchell.  “The Artistry of African Currency” is an
   online catalogue of an exhibit displayed at the
   Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.
   March 12–July 23, 2000:

  Wayne Homren
  Numismatic Bibliomania Society

  The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a
  non-profit organization promoting numismatic
  literature.   For more information please see
  our web site at
  There is a membership application available on
  the web site.  To join, print the application and
  return it with your check to the address printed
  on the application. Membership is only $15 to
  addresses in North America, $20 elsewhere.
  For those without web access, write to W. David
  Perkins, NBS Secretary-Treasurer,
  P.O. Box 3888, Littleton, CO  80161-3888.

  For Asylum mailing address changes and other
  membership questions, contact David at this email
  address: wdperki at

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  just Reply to this message, or write to the Editor
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