The E-Sylum v7#38, September 19, 2004
whomren at
whomren at
Sun Sep 19 18:25:48 PDT 2004
Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 7, Number 38, September 19, 2004:
an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society.
Copyright (c) 2004, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society.
We had been concerned about Hurricane Ivan having an
effect on Lake Books in Florida, but the storm skirted the
Tampa / St. Petersburg area. Remnants of the storm however,
caused a lot of havoc up here in Pittsburgh this weekend.
Those who came along on the recent tour of numismatic
libraries of Pittsburgh know that my home and Tom Fort's
home are perched atop hills, far from possible flooding. But
nearby low-lying areas were flooded Friday as the region was
hit with an all-time high one-day accumulation of rain from
Ivan's aftermath. Roads our bus traveled on were inundated
as normally docile creeks flowed many feet above their banks.
States of emergency were declared in my township and
county as flooding broke out in every corner of the region.
Leaving the office early Friday afternoon in a downpour that
hadn't let up all day, I only made it as far as my Mom's house
in the city and had to spend the night there. Bridges and roads
were closed in all directions, leaving me no way to get home.
The only direct route was under several feet of water, and
local television showed a rescue worker riding a Jet-Ski down
the middle of what used to be a road. Businesses that our bus
passed within yards of were devastated. Driving home
Saturday morning, what is normally a ten-minute trip took
over an hour. The creeks had receded, but the rivers didn't
crest until Saturday evening, at about six feet over flood
stage downtown, putting Point State Park (near the Hilton
Hotel, where many ANA conventioneers stayed) under water.
What a crazy year for weather. Good thing this didn't happen
during the convention - I could have had twenty-nine
bibliophiles stranded here at the house. At least we'd have
had no shortage of reading material! The roads are open
again but the affected areas will be a mess for some time.
Pete Smith writes: "I am surprised you didn't get more
responses to last week's question. The author of "Historia
Numorum" was Barclay Vincent Head." John Burns also
chimed in with the correct answer. Now who can tell us the
next name? This gentleman "was a 19th century French
numismatist. He was probably most well-known for his
study of Spanish coinage struck in the time of the Visigoths
and during the rise of Christianity on the Iberian peninsula.
He is also known for his volumes on Italian Renaissance
medals." (No fair peeking at the page 23 article in the
Summer 2004 issue of American Numismatic Society
magazine, which is quoted here. -Editor)
John Burns, along with Charles Davis, were the two
numismatic literature dealers set up at the recent
American Numismatic Association convention in
Pittsburgh. Dave Bowers' article about the convention
in the September 27th Coin World (p60) mistakenly
states that "Charles Davis and John Bergman were
the only two dealers in out-of-print books that set up
at the show..." John Bergman's table was a fixture at
the Long Beach shows for years, and he was a regular
attendee at ANA conventions as well. Bergman died
in October, 2000, and he is sorely missed. "Big John"
Burns is a regular dealer at many shows in the northeast
these days.
Despite the typo, Dave's article is excellent and makes
the point that hauling cartons of books to coin shows
is a hard way to make a living, and these dealers perform
a great service for the hobby. He repeated his suggestion
that "the ANA would do well to encourage more book
dealers to set up - perhaps by giving them free space.
Selling out-of-print books helps us all and is every bit as
"educational" and has all of the same lofty motives as do
various seminars and exhibits at the show."
In response to the Paul Bosco "terms of sale" discussion,
Bob Metzger writes: "I don't "consistently" use minimum
bids as a guide in auctions, but I do use them "often" for
items that I am not terribly familiar with, or that are of
secondary importance in my area(s) on interest. If I can
get such items at a bargain, I'll take them, but I would not
pay a premium for them. And if I do get them at a bargain,
it is a sale that would have otherwise either not happened,
or happened at an even lower price. So, is that a Bad
When it comes to items that I know for certain I want, I
bid the price that I feel the item is worth to me. That
amount may range anywhere from minimum bid to 4-5
times minimum bid. I will typically take a look at what that
item (or similar items) has brought in sales over the past few
years, see how that aligns with the value the item will
provide for me, and bid accordingly. The perceived value
it will provide for me varies widely. For example, a particular
book may be considered a classic reference an area in which
I have only modest interest, with only a single chapter devoted
to an area of high interest to me, in which case I will likely
be outbid by someone with high interest in the area for
which the book is considered indispensable. But for a book
that I consider indispensable in my area(s) of interest, I place
a strong bid. The same general evaluation process also
applies to a coin. If it's seldom seen, has great eye appeal,
etc., I'll place a strong bid.
I understand to some extent the complaint about someone
always using minimum bids as a guide, in the sense that it
generates extra work for the seller. But I think that is just
part of the cost of doing ANY business that involves selling
non-essential goods or services. Even in the best economic
times, people look for bargains. They look for discounts
and "deals," and dicker when they can for food, clothing,
cars, homes, and lots of other things, including numismatic
Dick Johnson writes: "Last weeks item on bidding etiquette
was, in effect, polite restrictions on the bidder. When I was
in the auction business I compiled a list of ten items to AID
the bidder and included this in all my Johnson & Jensen
auctions. This list appealed to fellow medal dealer Rich
Hartzog who asked for permission to publish in his auction
catalogs. As in most of all numismatics, other dealers of
the same specialty are more like friends rather than
competitors. Permission granted.
Numismatic auction houses wish to encourage bidders but
do not want problems. Every auction sale has a "Terms of
Sale" which every bidder should read. This will eliminate
those pesky problems. Every auction house has the right to
set their own terms. Bidders must accept these terms.
But how about suggestions to aid your bidding? Here were
my ten tips:
1. Examine the entire catalog a minimum of three times.
2. Mark the lots each time, or make a separate list of the
lots which interest you.
3. For the lots you want the most, bid the absolute highest
amount you would pay. Do not place yourself in the position
of having to say after the auction "If I had only bid $1 or $10
[or $100] more I would have won that lot!" Most lots that
are lost could have been won by one or two more advances.
... Note: In most instances you will receive the lot for less
than this highest amountdepending upon competitive
4. For less expensive lotssay under $20you may bid in
odd-cent amounts. [Most auction houses now demand
only full dollar amounts.]
5. Then go through your selected lots again and bid on those
you would buy if the price were right. Ask yourself if you
would buy this lot at low estimate or below? [Most auction
terms reject bids less than half estimate -- waste of time!]
6. Finally go through the entire catalog again to see if you
missed anything you really want.
7. Then total your bids. Very few bidders get everything they
bid on. But dont bid over your budget, or your ability to
pay for any or all on which you bid.
8. Consider checking the "increase boxes" on the bid sheet
("Increase my bid by __%)if you can afford it. This is a
technique for advancing your mail bids as if you were
bidding on the floor in competition with other bidders in
the auction room. It will only be used if necessary.
9. Fill out the bid sheet. Be careful with your figures! More
errors are made in this step than in any other. Remember
you are responsible for every bid on that sheet even if it
is on the wrong lot, or the wrong amount! The auctioneer
must act on the bid sheet; if you give him wrong figures it is
not his fault. Double check your bid sheet!
10. Mail early! In every auction tie bids are awarded to the
earliest received. "
Arthur Shippee forwarded the following note from the
Explorator newsletter:
"One of the biggest finds of Roman coins ever discovered in
Surrey has been unearthed on a farm at Leigh.
Almost 60 silver denarii dating back to 30BC were located
after Martin Adams, a metal detecting enthusiast, received a
signal on his machine."
"A short while later, the roofer received two more promising
signals. He dug down and uncovered two more coins which
turned out to be about 2,000 years old."
"Within a few hours, 23 more Roman coins were unearthed,
together with the scattered fragments of a pot in which the
money had probably been contained.
Surrey County Council archaeologist Dr David Bird was
immediately notified of the find and an official dig of the area
closest to the pot shards was arranged. The archaeologists
dug out further silver coins - some at a depth of eight or nine
inches - and the detectorists located more further afield on the
same farm.
The farm, the location of which is not being revealed for fear
of unauthorised visits by treasure hunters, is owned by the
county council and is tenanted by a farmer. The fields have
been ploughed by generations of farmers."
Louis Jordan has a nice article on colonial lottery tickets
in the Summer 2004 issue of the C4 Newsletter published by
the Colonial Coin Collectors Club. The article is titled
"Observations on the Massachusetts Bay Lottery of 1745."
"Colonial lottery tickets are avidly collected. Along with
coinage, currency and fiscal papers they can be used to
give us insight into the ingenuity of the colonists in addressing
their significant and continual fiscal problems."
Lane J. Brunner, Ph.D writes: "It is often repeated by
those who live to quote a nickel's worth of dime-store
advice that misery loves company. If such vapid popular
psychology is true, then have I got a story for you. It's a
whale of a saga, the substance of which, I am sure, is
familiar to many of us. This is just one more open entry
in the log of any numismatic researcher.
As readers of the E-sylum I am sure we can all appreciate
the joy of finding that one detail that helps advance a
research project or provides that missing shred of information
that brings together an area of study. But what if the book
itself is that elusive prize? I am not speaking of a rare,
expensive, high-demand book whose resting time in a
dealer's inventory can be measured with a watch, but rather
the nearly unknown, minor publication from an all but
forgotten author. The kind of book that when discussed
causes even serious bibliophiles to garner a look not
dissimilar to a dog tilting his head at an odd sound. The
kind of book for whose apparent need only a compulsive
researcher can fathom. Such a book is my burden.
Several years ago, far too many years to quantitate and
not be embarrassed, I began work on a book about
United States twenty-cent pieces. My fascination with
the series actually derived from the paltry numismatic
literature on this coin. Namely, the articles, book,
columns, and the like I read stated essentially the same
facts and legends. Albeit each author's pen was different,
but like yesterday's spaghetti, it was the same, nonetheless.
I knew there just had to be more to this ephemeral
denomination than what was in print at the time.
After endless tracking, I amassed much of the literature
on double dimes, including many primary sources. One
book still eluded me. Then one bright day I was paging
through the ANA library catalog, and there it was; the
book. The rain stopped, birds sang, and people began
using their turn signals. All was right in the world. A quick
letter to the ANA and soon, yes, oh so soon, the book
will on its way and I will be reading the words.
The ANA's letter arrived on a dark and stormy night.
Okay, fine, it was during the day and it was only a threat
of clouds; but reality is far less dramatic. I opened the
letter only to read that the book, once resting quietly at
GB20.R8, was lost. My heart sank, rain poured, birds
were mute, and people drove erratically. Oh, how can it
be? What a cruel twist of fate the literary gods have
dealt me. What kind of world do we live in where books
are lost from libraries? Is there no end to this suffering?
Okay, perhaps that is a little too dramatic. Regardless, I
was a bit frustrated.
That was a few years ago and despite numerous hours
on the web, conversations with many numismatic literature
dealers, countless interlibrary loan requests, and letters
to every Robert O. Rupp I could track down, this small
book remains a phantom. This simple, unpaged book,
written 37 years ago in Fort Collins, Colorado with the
unassuming title "The Silver Twenty-cent Piece", still
remains at large and has become my white whale.
[This book has eluded my grasp as well. I tend to
accumulate every title I can find, and often these odd
little issues find their way into my library. Not so with this
one. I've never seen the book, and was unaware of its
existence until now. If anyone can help locate this title,
please let us know. -Editor]
David Klinger writes: "Howard Daniel made a challenge to
readers regarding the world's first coins. I thought that issue
was long resolved by numismatic scholars, as the coins of
Lydia (c 625 BC). Is this issue still open for
discussion/resolution? "
David included the following text, taken from Eduardo De
Resendes at the following URL:
"World's Oldest and Largest Piece of Currency Housed in
Greek Museum Despinda Evgenidou, a fiscal archeologist
and director of the Numismatic Museum in Athens says that
a 3 foot long, 52-pound (24-kilogram) bronze ``talent'' that
resembles a steamrolled sheep is the world's oldest known
form of legal tender currency. It is also the largest. The heavy
cash used in the 14th century B.C. was known as an ovelos."
Beth Deisher, Editor of COIN WORLD writes: "I note a major
error in Dick Johnson's comments posted in E-Sylum v7#37 for
September 12.
The product catalog is not Coin World's. It is the product
catalog of Amos Advantage, which is managed by the New
Products department of the Sales and Marketing Division of
Amos Hobby Publishing. While we are owned by the same
parent company, Coin World is a different division. It's the
same with ANACS. Coin World does not own nor control
ANACS. Rather, ANACS is owned and operated by Amos
Press Inc."
Dick Johnson writes: "Americans are eschewing the Shoshone
Sacagawea golden dollars - they don't use them for change,
retailers don't want to stock them and banks claim there is too
little demand for the quarter-size coins.
In Cleveland, Plain Dealer reporter Christopher Montgomery
reports that the Regional Transit Authority gets 300 to 500
dollar coins a day, while a local toll booth on the Ohio Turnpike
may only see five a week. He quotes West Cuyahoga Coin
Club president John Schmitt and coin dealer Gino Sanfilippo
(ABC Art & Coin Exchange in Brecksville), who said "As
long as people have a choice, they'll go with the bill."
Sanfilippo noted Canada's success in issuing a dollar coin,
then eliminating dollar notes.
Full story:
We've occasionally discussed numismatic references in film
and fiction; a new short play being staged in Denver, CO is
called "The Last Gold Eagle" and tells the story of "a retired
mint worker ... who may or may not have stolen a gold coin ]
on his way out the door." Here's a link to a review in the
Denver Post which calls "The Last Gold Eagle" the best
among eight new ten-minute plays being staged in honor of
the tenth anniversary of a local theater company:,1413,36~415~2399158,00.html
Barbara Gregory, Editor of the American Numismatic
Association's NUMISMATIST Magazine forwarded
the following press release:
"Numismatist, the American Numismatic Association's
award-winning monthly magazine, serves as a refreshing
review for experienced collectors and as an introduction
to essential concepts for the less experienced. Editor
Barbara Gregory currently is seeking article submissions,
particularly on U.S. coinage topics. Authors receive $.07
per word, with bonuses available to those who provide
usable illustrations. Published articles also are eligible for
ANA literary awards, which include cash prizes of $100
to $400. Suggested article length is 1,200 to 2,200 words.
Send queries or manuscripts to editor at"
[It was a pleasure working with Barbara and her staff on
the articles I wrote for Numismatist in the months leading
up to the August convention in Pittsburgh. We communicated
largely by email, making the process fairly painless. And it
was a pleasure and a surprise when a check arrived in my
mailbox - I'd forgotten about the payment. E-Sylum readers
have a wealth of numismatic knowledge, and writing for
Numismatist is a fine way to share that knowledge with a
wider audience. -Editor]
Regarding the search for information on G. W. Durfee, Ron
Haller-Williams writes: "I can't help feeling that Dick may be
taking too narrow an approach in his reply to the query. It is
perhaps unlikely that engravings on prize cups and medals, also
plates for general printing of pictures and even for postage
stamps would only have been done by "she_is_now at".
There is some family tree info worth investigating at
"George Washington Durfee-[1896] 1 was born on 27 Apr
1777 in Tiverton, Newport County, RI and died in 1824 in
Belpre, Washington County, OH.
User ID:1896 Source [1] = Charles DURFEE"
There are then some notes on census and other sources.
The web page places him in context of the family he was from,
and he is person #21 listed there. No occupation shown there.
May be too early, but he dis have a son George ...
"In July 1893, Berryman [a cartoonist] married Kate Geddes,
the daughter of engraver George Washington Durfee."
3. proves
my point, listing a PHOTO-engraver (Frederick J. Danis, 1904
-1996) who had attended DURFEE High School!
Page now missing, search-engine extract is intriguing:
"... Took over the English mint and was chief engraver and
master of weights and scales during the Tudor period ... other
relatives did. He married a Hope Durfee. Children: Abraham
-1715 ..."
Answering the query about software for authoring numismatic
texts, Arthur Shippee writes: "It's probably best to learn what
your publisher wants first. Prior to that, keep it simple and
something you're comfortable with.
If it's text that you have to send as an attachment, try RTF
or TXT formats; if it's graphics, send it low-res. (72 dpi for
the screen) first, unless you know they want and expect a big
file. Simpler formats should do at earlier stages, and then
you'll discuss more finished products."
Chris Hopkins writes: "The answer to Dan Gosling's question
is -- it depends. Is the document for submission to a journal
or a job going to the local print shop? Regardless, I
recommend he create his document in the word processing
or publishing software with which he is most comfortable and
deliver it to his editors or publishers in a format that they
accept. You must ask in advance.
I have done a bit of publishing including several books plus
numerous newsletters and articles. From my experience, the
universal solution for print shop documents is the Adobe PDF
format. While I personally prefer to work in Microsoft Word
2003 or Microsoft Publisher, I use Adobe's Acrobat program
to prepare those documents for printing. Essentially, the PDF
is an electronic image of a "printed" document and is almost
universally accepted by professional print shops as well as
your local quick print shop (Kinko's, Sir Speedy, etc.).
Adobe has wisely put their PDF specification in the public
domain and there are cheaper competing programs.
In the PDF you can embed images and specialty fonts to
insure the final printed document has the exact appearance
of your original work whether your print shop has a copy
of your fonts or not. If the exact size of an image -- a coin
at 1:1 scale, for example -- is important, be aware that the
print shop may zoom the page image to fit the paper and
you must discuss that possibility before printing, and include
a scale ruler in the document to obtain accurate reproduction.
If you deliver your document in any other format than a
PDF with embedded fonts, you must ensure that your
publisher has the same fonts. This is absolutely crucial if
you are using an unusual specialty font.
Another advantage of the Adobe Acrobat program is that
it can also make a version of your document suitable for
use as web pages on the Internet. These have a lower
resolution than the print job files, but are quite acceptable
for display on the 72 or 96 dpi low resolution screens
most of us use with our computers."
Regarding last week's item about the Danish man who "was
sentenced to 25 days in jail after trying to buy a pizza with
fake banknotes," Morten Eske Mortensen writes:
"I think you also ought to (much more important) report the
Jail sentence of 30 days to a Scandinavian (Danish) coin
professional for "capitalizing on a buyer's delusion".
That is a jail sentence of wide repercussions for the coin,
second hand, antique and auction businesses!"
"The jail time was in this particularly case fixed as low as
'only' 30 days and furthermore the sentence was 'only'
suspended because of the fact, that the buyer had acted
"very incautious" and also the convicted had a previous
clean penalty list. The probation time was fixed at 1 year
(opposed to the 2 years demanded by the Counsel for the
"The specific deal judged was about 5 Wilcke/Rubow-books
with pasted, special banknote-offprints. The sentenced
professional person had not created the buyer's delusion
only capitalized on the delusion.... A Judge emphasized,
that the convicted ought to have known better. The convicted
had been a professional for half a year. The selling party has
a special responsibility to ensure, that the buyer does not
"suffer from a delusion".
From NewsScan Daily, September 16, 2004
"With the goal of eradicating the all-too-common fear of
mathematics, British science writer Karl Sabbagh offers the
following story:
"The popular idea of mathematics is that it is largely concerned
with calculations. What many people don't realize -- and
mathematicians at parties have given up correcting them -- is
that mathematicians are often no better calculators, and
sometimes worse, than the average nonmathematician. An
incident during my first meeting with the Franco-American
mathematician Louis de Branges illustrates that nicely. We
were discussing the idea that mathematicians did all their best
work when they were young, and I asked him when he had
some particular insight. 'Let's see,' he said. 'It happened in 1984
and I was born 1932. So was I over fifty? How old was I
then... ?' He thought for a while, wrestling with the problem as
if it were the Riemann Hypothesis itself, and then gave up
(because the exact figure was unimportant, not because he
couldn't do it). Even the giants of mathematics suffer from
this minor disability: 'Sir Isaac Newton,' said one observer,
'though so deep in algebra and fluxions, could not readily
make up a common account: and, when he was Master of the
Mint, used to get somebody else to make up his accounts
for him.'"
This week's featured web site is a digital version of Barclay
Head's Historia Numorum:
Wayne Homren
Numismatic Bibliomania Society
The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a
non-profit organization promoting numismatic
literature. For more information please see
our web site at
There is a membership application available on
the web site. To join, print the application and
return it with your check to the address printed
on the application. Membership is only $15 to
addresses in North America, $20 elsewhere.
For those without web access, write to W. David
Perkins, NBS Secretary-Treasurer,
P.O. Box 3888, Littleton, CO 80161-3888.
For Asylum mailing address changes and other
membership questions, contact David at this email
address: wdperki at
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