The E-Sylum v10#26, July 1, 2007

esylum at esylum at
Sun Jul 1 16:25:27 PDT 2007

Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 10, Number 26, July 1, 2007:
an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society.
Copyright (c) 2007, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society.


Among our recent subscribers are Ron Pope and Robert T. Manning MD, 
courtesy of Dave Bowers, also Rickie Rose and Dan Burleson. Welcome 
aboard!  We now have 1,145 subscribers.

This week we open with good news about (and a review of) a long-awaited 
numismatic publishing project - the Canadian Numismatic Bibliography.  
Also of interest to bibliophiles is the SPMC Author's Forum at the 
upcoming Memphis Paper Money show.  In research queries this week, a 
new subscriber seeks information on Wayte Raymond's Standard Catalogue.

In response to a question last week, E-Sylum readers come through with 
a flood of great information on the Laura Gardin Fraser Better Babies 
Medal.  Also, John Meissner provides the answer to his 1960's classified 
ad quiz, but not before Dick Johnson takes a crack at solving it.  Dick 
also provides us with insight into the creation of the classified 
advertising schemes used in weekly American numismatic publications. 

My London Diary is up next, with a look at life during a tense weekend 
of terrorist activity.  Numismatic activities continued with a visit to 
Westminster Abbey and a spy-movie-style rendezvous at Heathrow airport.

In the news, the Canadian "medal detector" has been nominated for an 
award for his efforts to unite Canadian war medals with families and 
museums, the Indian coin shortage continues, and the Royal Canadian 
Mint manages to sell a few of the Million Dollar gold coins.  

To learn what the American Eugenics Movement, razor blades and the
"Pyx Chamber" have to do with numismatics, read on.  Have a great 
week, everyone.

Wayne Homren
Numismatic Bibliomania Society


Canadian Numismatic Bibliography Project chairman Ronald Greene writes: 
"We are pleased to be able to report that the work is completed as follows:

i)	all text is complete
ii)	all photographs have been inserted
iii)	the final formatting has been done
iv)	the index has been checked against the entries
v)	photo credits compiled

"All that remains is to compile the computerized, press-ready disc that 
will go to the printer.  This will be delivered to me at the Canadian 
Numismatic Association convention and I will take it to the printer when 
I return from the Niagara Falls.

"At the convention Darryl Atchison, Paul Petch and I will have available 
photocopy quality print-outs for those interested in a preview.  If the 
odd error that may have slipped past the proof-readers is spotted those 
will be correctable, although additional entries will not be possible as 
they impact on all following work and force re-formatting...  With luck 
we should have books ready to ship in early September."

[Those of us who ordered the bibliography at its pre-publication price 
are getting a bargain.  Since then the book has grown considerably along 
with printing and distribution costs.  Addressing pre-publication 
subscribers, Ron adds: "If you have moved in the last four years and are 
not certain that you have given me your new address please do so within 
the next month.  I feel quite confident that you will approve of the 
final product and agree that the lengthy wait has been worthwhile."

I can attest that the book has indeed been worth the wait.  Darryl 
Atchison passed through London's Heathrow airport yesterday on his way 
from Ireland to Canada for the C.N.A. convention; we met there while he 
was waiting between flights and I had the pleasure and privilege of 
reviewing the page proofs, housed in an ungodly thick binder.

The manuscript will be published in two volumes.  The entire CNB is 
1246 pages, with 606 pages in volume one and 640 in volume two (which
includes a 96-page index section to be printed on a different coloured
paper). There are illustrations throughout, with one or more pictures 
for every two pages.  The illustrations are not just of numismatic 
literature, but of many important numismatic items as well.  

The illustrations and the inclusion of a number of exclusive essays, 
special listings, and biographical compilations make this publication 
far more than "just" a bibliography.  To read it is to gain an education 
in the whole of Canadian numismatic history.  It is also a marvelous 
starting point for anyone hoping to do new research in the area; in 
addition to the bibliographic listings, the book includes contact 
information for virtually every major research institution and archive 
across Canada and the world with any connection to Canadian numismatics. 
At one point the authors considered naming it the "Canadian Numismatic 
Research Handbook", but it's far too massive to be a mere "Handbook".   

I won't reproduce the entire table of contents here, but topics cover 
the entire numismatic map from card money to modern cheques, including 
coins, tokens, medals, ration books, P.O.W. currency, War of 1812 Army 
promissory notes, private banknotes and everything in between.

The original essays include Peter Moogk's "Historical Introduction to 
Canadian Currency and Numismatics", J. Graham Esler's "Brief History of 
the Bank of Canada Numismatic Currency Collection," Moogk's essay on 
"French Regime Coins, Currency and Counters" and Chris Faulkner's 
volume-by-volume synopsis of Fred Bowman's unpublished Encyclopedia of 
Canadian Numismatics (now at the Bank of Canada).  Chapter 12, 
"Collectors and Collections" consists of about 60 pages of biographies, 
obituaries and photos of prominent collectors of Canadian coins.

Which brings us to the illustrations - a large number of numismatic books, 
catalogues and price lists are pictured, old and new.  These alone make 
the book a pleasure to browse.  But in addition to the images of literature 
are many images of numismatic items themselves, some common (like a 2004 
Poppy Quarter) but many quite rare.  The authors went to great lengths to 
obtain the illustrations and permissions to publish them.  In the numismatic

world, among those generous in providing images were Dan Hamelberg, Stack's,

Heritage, American Numismatic Rarities and Richard Doty of the Smithsonian 

A prime example of their taste and persistence in choosing and securing 
images is the frontispiece: The Royal Charter of the Hudson's Bay Company. 
Dated May 2, 1670, the document is the company's trademark and much 
communication was required to secure the rights to publish it.  Other 
examples of images include:

* The only known example of a specimen banknote for Magdalen Island, 
1815 (from a 2002 Morten & Eden sale)

* A leather banknote from Prince Edward Island

* A photograph of registrants attending the 1909 American Numismatic 
Association convention in Montreal, Quebec, including P. N. Bretton, 
Thomas Elder, Ludger Gravel, J.C. Mitchelson, Edgar Adams, Frank Higgins, 
Waldo Newcomer, William Poillon, Frank Duffield and Ben Green.

* Depression scrip of the Kitchener-Waterloo Mutual Aid Association, a 
"time certificate" in the denomination of one hour.  (I found this quite 
interesting following my recent purchase of an 1830s British co-operative 
society note, also in the denomination of "one hour").

* The U.S. Congressional Gold Medal awarded to Canadian Ambassador Kenneth 
Taylor March 6, 1980 for his role in spiriting six American hostages safely 
out of Iran.

A final example of the team's persistence is the inclusion of a photograph 
of Bert Koper, who established the first national Canadian numismatic 
organization.  No picture of him was known to have been published.  Through 
an old-time collector in Winnipeg, contact was made with Koper's family, 
who provided a photograph.  (Incidentally, Koper produced Whitman-style 
coin boards for Canadian coins in his kitchen for sale to collectors).

OK, we get it - the book includes everything, right?  Is nothing missing?  
Well, with any project of this scope there are bound to be omissions.  
Many items with only a marginal Canadian connection are deliberately 
skipped.  And while there are a couple significant inclusions from 2005, 
the book effectively stops at 2004.  The biggest omission is that no 
articles from Canadian Coin news are included - the authors were 
unsuccessful in obtaining a complete run of the publication, and decided 
not to include a partial run.

The brochure for the Annual SPMC Author's Forum (see below) includes a 
colorful (and insightful) quote from Benjamin Franklin, currency engraver 
& printer:  "If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead & 
rotten, either write things worth reading, or do things worth the writing."

This certainly applies to the accomplished Author's Forum speakers, but 
it applies as well to Darryl Atchison, Ron Greene and all those associated 
with the Canadian Numismatic Bibliography Project.  This twelve-year labor 
of love, like most worthwhile numismatic publishing projects, has been a 
thankless task replete with late nights and long weekends of unpaid labor, 
and various project setbacks and disappointments.  But the finished work 
will live for the ages; henceforth every numismatic researcher and 
collector with an interest in Canadian numismatic history will be indebted 
to this team for their Herculean efforts.  

According to Ronald Greene, the retail price of the Canadian Numismatic 
Bibliography is expected to be Can$225.00 (about US $212) plus postage.  
Sound like a lot of money?  Not for what you're getting.  Luckily, many 
of our readers are among those who subscribed at the much lower pre-
publication price.  About 250 of the planned 300 copies are already 
spoken for.  For more information or to place an order, contract Ron at 
ragreene at

Please show your support for the project and help ensure that the book 
is distributed widely.  If you have even the slightest interest in 
numismatic research in general or Canadian numismatics in particular, 
purchase a copy for your library, or raise funds from your fellow club 
members to add a copy to your club's library.  Mention the book to your 
favorite dealers. Encourage your national associations, libraries and 
numismatic museums (especially outside of Canada) to acquire copies as 
well - no institutional library will be complete without one.

Even those of us who are "in" at the prepublication price should consider 
adding a donation for the good of the project.  This was no boondoggle 
funded by a grant from a wealthy benefactor.  Those involved with the 
project have donated not just years of toil, but buckets of hard cash 
as well.  I'll be sending a check, and I hope many of you do as well.  
The project is an extraordinary effort, and deserves the support of 
every numismatist.  -Editor]


In March of this year we published an announcement of a new book on the 
coins and banknotes of Yugoslavia and its successor countries titled 'The 
Guide to Coins and Banknotes of Yugoslavia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and 
Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia'.  

Author and publisher Zlatko Viscevic writes that "The interest for the book 
is very large and the book will be out of stock soon.  The price of the book

is: 25 EUR (or 32 US$) + shipping. Shipping: 7,10 US$ (ordinary mail), 10,30

US$ (registered).  The book can be ordered via e-mail: zviscevic at 
or mobile: +385 91 727 5837. The necessary data about the book can be found 
on my webpages."
English version:  

[Zlatko has produced what looks to be a very useful reference.  The web 
site shows sample pages of the book and lists the contents in detail.  He 
also publishes a blog on Croatian numismatics:  -Editor]



Fred Reed, editor of Paper Money, the official journal of the Society of 
Paper Money Collectors, forwarded a press release with details of the Fourth

Annual SPMC Author's Forum to be held at the Memphis Paper Money Show July 
6th.  Wendell Wolka will emcee the event featuring the following stellar 
 lineup of numismatic authors:

* R. Shawn Hewitt, author of "Minnesota Obsolete Bank Notes and Scrip"
* Doug Murray, author of "The Complete Catalog of United States Large 
    Size Star Notes 1910-1929)"
* Art Friedberg, "Updating Paper Money of the United States and 
    other projects"
* Ray and Steve Feller, authors of 'Silent Witnesses: Civilian Camp 
     Money of World War II"
* Pierre Fricke, author of 'Collecting Confederate Paper Money - 
    Type Edition 2007 e-Book'
* Mary Counts and Q. David Bowers, 'An overview of paper money book  
    publishing, including current and future projects'
* Wendell Wolka, 'CD revised edition of Indiana Obsolete Notes and Scrip' 

The event brochure notes: "This forum was conceived as a way for authors 
and prospective authors of paper money books to exchange ideas, "tricks 
of the trade," and form mutual support on the long road between conception 
and publication of a worthwhile book. This Forum, in tandem with our 
Society's George W. Wait Memorial Prize which supports research of book 
length paper money projects, is part of SPMC's outreach to hobbyists by 
supporting numismatic education. Our Author's Forum is unique in the 
hobby. We invite all prospective authors and others interested in paper 
money books to attend and participate in this event. As in the past, 
this year's presenters' works cover a wide diversity of paper money 
topics, so you should find something of interest to you. All presenters 
are experienced and well known in the hobby, so I'm sure you will benefit 
from their talks. Stick around to the close of the forum for a time to 
meet & greet our illustrious panel."


Dick Johnson writes: "U.S. readers should check their local listings 
this week for an episode of PBS History Detectives, one segment of 
which will be on Continental Currency."

[Dick provided a link to the show's web site, which is excerpted 
below. -Editor]
AIRING: Season 5, Episode 2
THE PLACE: New York City
THE CASE: Between the pages of a book, a family in Omaha, Nebraska 
has found a puzzling $6 bill dated February 17, 1776.

"The bill's text and designs are replete with mysteries and clues. 
How could it claim to be federal currency when it's dated five months 
before the colonies actually declared their independence? Why does it 
say it's backed by "Spanish milled dollars"? What do the strange 
images on it mean?

"Britain rightfully considered these monies sheer provocation, and 
reacted by flooding the market with counterfeit bills. Is our bill 
real - or perhaps real fakery?

"History Detectives investigates an artifact that could represent 
America's first declaration of its independence."

For more information on the program, see:

[As noted in last week's London Diary, I recently purchased examples of 
the Nazi WWII "Operation Bernhard" counterfeits of British banknotes.  I 
know colonial U.S. paper money was often counterfeited, and recall reading 
of some British efforts to counterfeit notes of the revolting colonies, 
but don't recall reading about any "flooding" of the market with British-
made counterfeits.  Were the Brits more successful than the Nazis in 
wartime counterfeiting?  Can anyone point us to particular resources for 
information on this topic?  -Editor]


Dave Bowers forwarded the following query from Ron Pope, who writes: 
"I read with interest a recent article in 'Coin World' wherein you 
mention the old 'Standard Catalogue' by Wayte Raymond. 

"I like non-traditional stuff. Therefore, instead of trying to assemble 
a complete of 'Red Books,' I am trying to obtain a complete set of the 
'Standard Catalogue,' a task I believe to be more difficult to achieve 
than the 'Red Book.'
"Can you give me any information on the start and end (1st edition-last 
edition, etc) of this book? I always thought the 18th edition (1957) was 
the last edition but I believe you mentioned a 1958 edition. Also, were 
the first two editions (1934 and 1935) in paperback?  Thanks for any help 
you may be able to give me."
[For a long time I worked on completing a set of these myself, and had 
a very nice group of top-condition volumes, some of which were from the 
James O. Sloss library.  But with my last house move I ran out of space 
and sold them in a Lake Books sale.  Since I'm away from my library I 
don't have access to my bibliographic references - can anyone fill us 
in on what constitutes a complete set?  -Editor]


Regarding the Laura Gardin Fraser 'Better Babies' medal, Dick Johnson 
writes: "It was stuck by Medallic Art Company in 1913 and carries the 
catalog number 13-5 in MAco archives. The inquirer had only to look at 
the edge of the medal to find the Medallic Art name. It did not come 
from a 'foundry', of course - it was not cast, but struck in bronze 
in two sizes: 2-inch (51mm) and 1 5/16-inch (33mm).
"The medal was sponsored by Woman's Home Companion magazine (they paid 
for it and their name is on the reverse).  However, it was prepared for 
a quasi-governmental U.S. organization (which generally do not patent 
or copyright their products).  This is one of the few medals that was 
issued such protection -- Design Patent D46,399 issued 15 September 1914. 

"The application was filed by Laura Gardin Fraser herself, who, 
undoubtedly, had a hunch this could have been an important creation 
that deserved protection. (She took this precaution inspired by husband 
James Earle Fraser's experience, who, early on, had several of his 
creations commercialized by others where he earned no royalty.)
"The American Numismatic Society has two of these medals in their 
collections.  Anyone can go to their website and find this medal 
described by clicking on 'collections' and entering the name Better 
Babies. Or click on these URLs: 

"The medal was exhibited the year it was created at the National Academy 
of Design in New York City. It was item #51 in their Winter 1913 exhibition.

It was illustrated in a catalog of a National Sculpture Society exhibit, 
also in New York City, in 1923 (page 298).
"It has been widely illustrated, appeared in articles and cataloged 
several times. It is Baxter (Beaux-Art Medals) 355, it appears twice 
in Storrer (Medical Medals) 4384 and 5624. It was reported and 
illustrated in 'Medal In America,' edited by Alan Stahl (1988) page 212.
"While the medal is not common, an example does come on the medal market 
every year or so. As for value, I sold one once in one of my auctions, 
but Joe Levine has sold them at least a dozen times, the latest of which 
was in his auction 73 in 2005 (lot 664) where it brought $143.75. 

"You might also hear from Fred L. Reed in answer to this E-Sylum appeal. 
Fred has done some fantastic research on the Frasers' medallic work and 
can undoubtedly add something interesting."

[According to our next submission, at least one example struck in 
gold exists. -Editor]

Harry Waterson and Donald Scarinci forwarded information from Joe Levine 
sales of the medal.  Harry writes: "This medal is known in two varieties,
34mm in Gold and 51mm in Bronze. The one Gold example was sold by Joe 
Levine in Presidential Coin and Antiques Auction #69 Lot 384. It sold 
for $759. The medal is signed Laura Gardin, Sculptor. In the auction 
catalogue, Joe Levine wrote:

'This medal was executed in 1913 just before Ms. Gardin married James 
Earle Fraser and changed the signature on her medals. Elaine Leotti, 
in her paper, 'The American Woman Medalist', comments as follows: 
"Fraser's Better Babies Medal done in 1913 for the Woman's Home Companion 
is her only piece which can truly be called feminine. It is a well 
balanced medal, nicely executed if a bit on the sentimental side. The 
babies' bare flesh is soft, almost palpable, their curls and dimpled 
elbows invite touch, thus appealing to exactly the audience the medal 
was meant to impress.'

"The bronze version of this medal is fairly common. I have tracked it 
since 1999 and Levine has sold 5 examples and 8 examples have sold on 
eBay to date. The average price has been $166, although the eBay prices 
have almost all been below the average. One medal was unawarded and 
only two were awarded to males.  The bronze medals are edgemarked 
Crowell Pub. Co. and they are all edge dated starting in 1912, with 
the bulk dated 1913 and two dated 1916. The Gold medal is dated 1913 
on the edge and 1922 in the cartouche. I would conclude that the medal 
was in active use for about 10 years ending in the mid twenties and 
that there are probably hundreds of bronze examples extant. 

"It was in the mid twenties that these Better Babies Contests were 
transformed into Fitter Families for Future Firesides competitions 
under the auspices of the American Eugenics Society and took on a 
more racist overtone. It was no longer just looking for "A sound mind 
in a sound body"   I refer you to a paper by Steven Selden which 
chronicles this change.  And you can track this change obverse to 
obverse because in 1927 Julio Kilenyi did a Fitter Families Medal 
which is illustrated in Selden's paper."

To read the Steven Selden paper on the American Eugenics Movement, see: 

Harry also forwarded a link to a picture of Laura Gardin working on 
the obverse of her Better Babies Medal:

Roger deWardt Lane of Hollywood, Florida writes: "I was intrigued by 
the reference to the Better Babies Medal.   I had once written about 
a Better Babies medal that I found at a flea market three or four years 
ago, I and dug around to find the article. Then I went back to The 
E-Sylum to read the information you had and was very surprised to see 
that it is not the same medal."
[Roger's medal is a Better Babies Contest medal from 1931, and it's 
a product of Whitehead & Hoag, not Medallic Art.  It is NOT Fraser's 
design.  Roger describes it as "BETTER BABIES CONTEST - Conferred By - 
THE INDIANAPOLIS NEWS, around a chubby baby. The other side - INDIANA 
STATE FAIR - INDIANA - SEPTEMBER 1931, around center figures of a ball 
player and a buffalo. In very small letters, below - W & H Co. Newark, 

To read Roger's article on the 


Regarding the Tom Elder banquet picture discussed recently, Dave Hirt 
writes: "I am writing from Budapest, away from my library, so these 
are the facts as I remember them. The banquet was not in 1910, but 
rather 1908, following the ANA convention in Philadelphia, just prior 
to Elder's James Wilson sale.  An account of the banquet is in The 
Numismatist of October/November of that year. I have a copy of the 
picture, and in addition to Mr. Virgil Brand, I have identified 5 
or 6 others."

[Karl Moulton's analysis of the photo in question last week seems 
definitive in placing it in 1910 at Keen's Chop House in New York.  
Lacking library access, Dave may be recalling a different Elder 
photo. -Editor]



In response to Don Cleveland's question last week about American Bank 
Note Company Hawaiian currency cards, souvenir card dealer Ken Barr 
writes: "The complete ABNCo Hawaii currency set consists of eight 
cards, namely (listed by Souvenir Card Collectors Society numbers):

SO 14  ANA 1981 Midyear  face 1895 $5 Silver Certificate
SO 57  ANA 1987  face 1895 $10 Silver Certificate
SO 58  NWPMC 1987  face 1895 $20 Silver Certificate
SO 60  IPMS 1988  face 1895 $50 Silver Certificate
SO 61  ANA 1988  face 1895 $100 Silver Certificate
SO 62  FUN 1989  face 1895 $5 Gold Certificate
SO 67  IPMS 1989  face 1895 $10 Gold Certificate
SO 68  ANA 1988  face 1895 $20 Gold Certificate

The ABNCo representatives never offered a clear reason as to why 
cards featuring the 1895 $50 and $100 Gold Certificates were not 
issued to round out the set."



Dave Bowers forwarded this query from Robert T. Manning MD, who writes: 
"I am a retired physician and a latecomer to numismatics.  Medical 
history has long been a subject of great fun and education -- particularly 
in the search for stories behind eponymic disease, for example -- Who 
was Alzheimer?

"Interest in eponyms and coins made we wonder if there are eponymic coins. 
I see that a number of collections, e.g. Eliason, are noted by the name 
of the collector."

Dave replied: "The spelling is Eliasberg, as in the Eliasberg Collection. 
There are no coins specifically called Eliasberg coins, unless used as a 
pedigree. There are Gobrecht dollars, named for Mint engraver Christian 
Gobrecht, who cut the dies, the Paquet reverse $20 gold coin (for Anthony 
Paquet, Mint engraver who created the dies), etc. Hope this helps!"

[Certain high-profile coins are known by the name of the earliest known 
(or most prominent) collector in its pedigree chain.  One example is the 
Dexter 1804 Dollar; another is the Jefferson Davis Confederate Half Dollar.

Dealers of course, have been known to coin names for merchandising purposes.

Some of these may quickly go by the wayside, but others may "stick"; only 
time will tell.  The "stickiness" does seem to increase with the rarity 
and value of the item.  The "Wayne Homren 2007 Dime" won't stick, but the 
"Lee-Homren-Bowers Sand's Ale Encased Postage Stamp" might someday (and 
it's not even a coin).  -Editor]


Last week John Meissner posed the question, "It's the early 1960's.  
You have $100 to spend.  Which of the following regular or semi-regular 
advertisers in "Coin World" or "Numismatic News" might it be best to 

1.  Miczek & Co., Corry, Pennsylvania
2.  Loser's Coin Store, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
3.  Ned Davis Coin and Toy Shop, Reading, Pennsylvania
4.  H.C. Buell, Lone Tree, Iowa
5.  Buell and Son, Washington, Missouri 
6.  Daniel J. McBride, Atlanta, Georgia
7.  Norman "Poor Ole Broke" Brock, San Antonio, Texas
8.  Fred Johnson, Camden, New Jersey
9.  Toivo Johnson, Brewer, Maine
10.  W.E. Johnson, Santa Barbara, California 

Extra-credit for details of why it might be best to avoid your choices."

Dick Johnson writes: "Please thank John Meissner for his quiz. This brought 
back memories.  I would spend all $100 with Norman Brock. He ran a bookstore

and dealt in coins (and tons of other stuff).
"He called himself 'Poor ole broke Brock.' But he was broke like a fox. 
This was actually a brilliant marketing ploy.  He often said he lost 
three fortunes before he got into the book / coin business. This could 
have been true (in Texas real estate? oil? other high risk ventures?).
"His San Antonio bookstore was piled to the rafters. He also said he could 
never sell anything since he could not find it. True! There were piles of 
everything everywhere. He kept buying and added new purchases to the piles 
of old. Had he been in existence today his store would have been a delight 
to browse for any eSyluminary.
"The three Johnsons (8, 9, and 10) also had to be good guys. Tovio Johnson 
issued the Coin Designer Medal Series of six medals struck by Metal Arts 
of Rochester.
"The name Buell on two choices were aliases of a teenager gone bad. He 
offered scarce coins at bargain prices in both Coin World and Numismatic 
News and never shipped the coins. This quickly caught up with him. We had 
suspicions of him when his ads came into Coin World at the time. I ran 
into him at a coin show and came up behind him and called out the name 
he had given us in the ads. No response. He didn't turn around nor 
acknowledge my greeting, adding further suspicion. When the complaints 
came in we alerted the postal inspectors.
"I don't remember his real name but the postal inspectors did arrest him 
and he went to prison. Many people who wanted a coin bargain lost money. 
I have often wondered what happened to him after he got out of prison. 
Had he learned a lesson, or was this his first act in a life of crime?"

John Meissner writes: "The 'bad' dealers include numbers 1, 3, 5, 6, and 
8.  Numbers 1 and 5 were the same individual (number 5 was a shell company 
set up by number 1, John Miczek.  While in Corry, the teenage Miczek was 
at least a somewhat honest dealer if slow, but by late 1960 he was wanted 
by Corry police for passing bad checks).  

Numbers 3 and 6 were also a single individual.  Number 3 was an alias 
used by Daniel McBride, wanted for mail fraud in Atlanta and almost 
caught when members of a coin club recognized him in Reading, Pennsylvania.

Number 8, Fred Johnson (an alias) actually sued two local banks, saying 
that they were hurting his business by not providing him with an unlimited 
supply of mint sealed bags at face value.  When he lost the case, he 
disappeared, having bilked collectors and other dealers out of thousands 
of dollars in undelivered Philadelphia mint rolls and bags.  Federal 
authorities charged him with mail fraud, and eventually turned up working 
at a used book store in Hawaii, again flushed out by a savvy coin club 

Dick Johnson (founding editor of Coin World) writes: "Here are some further 
comments on John Meissner's study of classified ads. Numismatic News existed

before Coin World and their format was largely the tiny ads placed by 
individual collectors to buy, sell or trade numismatic items. Strictly 
speaking, these were not "classified ads" but were instead, "word ads" 
as NN did not arrange them under any classification system. I believe 
they had only three different headings at the top of any column: For Sale, 
Wanted, For Trade. They were placed indiscriminately under one of these 
three columns.
"Before I started Coin World I had studied those NN ads. How could this 
be improved? I had been classified ad manager on the Kansas City Kansan 
so I was familiar with the concept of classified advertising pages. Also 
I had created a scheme of arranging ads for numismatic items under useful 
categories. Basically these were denominations that were collected by 
the readers, or subjects of collector interest. 
"These were spelled out in the Pilot issue of Coin World. The concept 
stuck and was used right from the beginning. I chose numbers for these 
categories under 100 and left room in this schedule for new categories 
to be added where I thought this could occur (called "open numeric"). 
The ads came in from readers and the text was pasted on forms that had 
the classification number in the upper right hand corner.
"The forms were arranged by this classification number. When the deadline 
came, the new ads were sent to the typesetter who set the text from the 
original copy. Meanwhile pages from the previous week were marked up as 
to those to kill and those that would run again.
"A compositor would merge the old and new ads as he laid out the columns. 
Remember this was metal type he was handling. The entire operation was 
highly manual, labor intensive.  Oh, what a contrast today! Today 
classified ads are all handled by computer -- not only setting the 
text image -- but also arranging them in the proper classification.
"It can be said I invented the classification system for coin ads as 
it appeared in the first issues of Coin World. The  schedule remained 
in use, and was modified from time to time as new classifications were 
needed over the years (like, "bullion items" when these came on the 
scene). The basic scheme is still in use 46 years later.
"A requirement of classified ads is accuracy. In addition to editorial 
duties in the early Coin World days, I processed all the classified ads. 
I prided myself in this accuracy. When I left CW the processing of the 
classified ads was turned over to someone who did not have this concept. 
For months afterwards CW ran a form in the classified ad pages for an 
advertiser to use to correct a missfiled or misclassified ad (or ad 
with any other error).
"Later, Numismatic News followed Coin World's innovations, not only 
moving up to weekly publication but also creating their own 
classification system for their individual ads."


Last week's E-Sylum was published from Pittsburgh, where I was 
visiting relatives over the weekend.  I arrived back in London 
Wednesday afternoon.  So it's been a short week with few numismatic 
events, but it's been interesting nonetheless.

On Friday morning I turned on the television during breakfast and the 
big story seemed to be the Royal Mail strike - postal workers throughout 
the country had walked out in a labor dispute.  There was a much shorter 
mention of "potentially viable" explosive device found in a car in 
London overnight; the report seemed inconclusive and almost routine.  
If a location was mentioned, I didn't notice.  

I took my usual tube ride to the office and everything seemed quite 
normal.  A television monitor in the building lobby showed a news 
report with more information and a more serious tone.  The "potentially 
viable" device was now being described as a bomb, which had been disabled 
by police.  The car was in Haymarket, but I didn't know just where that 
was.  As it turned out, it was only three or four blocks away from the 
office, near Piccadilly Circus.

By coincidence, my officemates had scheduled a lunchtime outing - a 
walking tour including a visit to Westminster Abbey.  A phone call 
confirmed that the tour was still on, and midmorning we ventured out 
toward Piccadilly.  Soon we encountered police crime scene tape blocking 
the sidewalk and road.  Police were directing crowds and traffic away 
from Piccadilly Circus. Down a side street we saw more police tape 
blocking out the entire area.  The center of Piccadilly with its 
famous fountain was empty.  Normally teeming with people, the sight 
was eerie and disturbing, reminiscent of the recent horror film "28 
Weeks Later", which depicts a deserted London in the aftermath of a 
deadly epidemic.

Other than the area immediately around the crime scene, London life 
went on as normal.  It was cloudy and cool, as normal.  With dozens 
of others our guide led us through Green Park toward Buckingham Palace.  
Huge crowds of tourists were on hand for the changing of the guard 
ceremony. We waited at curbside to watch the uniformed guard march 
down the street toward the Palace, led by a marching band.

Next we walked along St. James Park and ended up at Westminster Abbey.  
By now it was pouring down rain.  We gladly entered the Abbey.  Site 
of coronations since William the Conqueror in 1066, the magnificent 
living church symbolizes the endurance and lasting power of London.  
The present building was begun in 1245 by Henry III and has survived 
centuries of political and economic upheaval, and the Nazi bombings 
of World War II.

I was unable to take notes, but was pleased to see a number of engravers 
(probably not coin engravers) honored with burials in the Abbey.  The 
most famous numismatic resident of Westminster Abbey is Master of the 
Royal Mint Isaac Newton, whose tomb is adorned with a huge sculpture 
including a globe, alluding to his non-numismatic fame as an astronomer 
and mathematician.  

On the way out I noticed a sign for the "Pyx Chamber" and quickly scooted 
inside.  My tour was unplanned, but I recognize a numismatic term when I 
see one.  The chamber became a treasury in the 13th century.  There are 
two large rectangular chests in the Chamber dating to the 13th and 14th 
centuries which were apparently built inside the room. 

For numismatists, this room is "best known as the home of the wooden boxes, 
called Pyxes, where a sample of the coinage of the realm was kept to await 
the "Trial of the Pyx". This was a public demonstration to show that the 
coinage was pure and samples of coins were "tried" by being melted down 
and the silver content measured. The Trial itself was never held in the 
Chamber but in the Palace of Westminster. It still takes place today in 
Goldsmiths' Hall in the City of London." (text from the Westminster 
Abbey site)

We took a taxi back to the office, grabbed sandwiches and got back to 
work.  By now the street in front of our office was half blocked, preventing

traffic from heading toward Piccadilly.  All afternoon various sirens rang 
out around London, although that's not unusual.  We heard reports of other 
suspicious cars, but nothing yet definitive.  About 6pm we grabbed a taxi 
back to our hotel. 

After dropping off our bags we walked to a nearby pub for a pint.  All 
of London seemed to proceed as usual.  Our excursion was uneventful, but 
historic in another way - it was the next-to-last night when smoking 
would be permitted in pubs, restaurants and other enclosed public spaces 
in London.  As of today, 1 July 2007, London pubs are be smoke-free.  As 
a nonsmoker the change is a welcome one - the clothes I wore that night 
still reek of cigarette smoke.  I understand sales of beer kegs have 
risen dramatically, though - the pubs could be in for a slow time for 
a while. 

Back at the hotel television and Internet reports explained that two 
rigged cars had been parked near Piccadilly.  The second one, illegally 
parked, had been towed by police to a pound near Hyde Park, not 
realizing what was inside.  For a time Hyde Park was emptied by police 
while the bomb was disarmed.  Thankfully, neither car caused any 

Saturday morning I got up and worked a bit on The E-Sylum, then went out 
for lunch (the hummus and warm pita were divine).  Walking to Paddington 
Station, I caught the Heathrow express train to the airport and found 
a table at a coffee shop.  I was waiting for a plane from Cork, Ireland 
carrying Darryl Atchison, editor of the Canadian Numismatic Bibliography 

We'd never met in person before and it was a pleasure to finally put a 
friendly face to the name.  I knew I'd like him right away - he was 
carrying his airline reading material - a bound copy of Out on a Limb, 
the house organ of numismatic literature dealers The Money Tree.  
Written and edited by the late Ken Lowe, Out on a Limb was (and still is) 
a bibliophile's delight.  E-Sylum readers should remain on the lookout 
for back issues in literature sales.

Darryl and I talked about Ken, whom he'd never had the chance to meet.  
Soon after I learned the answer to my one burning question - how did an 
Irishman get hooked on Canadian numismatics?  Well, it's simple - Darryl 
is a Canadian who married an Irish woman.

Out of his bag Darryl pulled the real star of our meeting - a very thick 
binder holding the complete Canadian Numismatic Bibliography manuscript.
We poured over it for a couple hours, with me taking notes for today's 
E-Sylum issue.  I just can't stop gushing over what I saw.   The project 
is well worth every minute of waiting, and as I said above, subscribers 
and any numismatist interested in research should consider making a 
cash donation to the project to help cover the increased costs.  

Reversing my steps when it was time to part, I took the train back to 
Paddington.  The rain was pouring down outside, so I waited a bit and 
browsed in the shops.  Once the rain slowed I put up my umbrella and 
walked back toward my hotel.  It was nearly dinnertime.  I browsed in 
a nice little art gallery on Westbourne Grove Road and when the woman 
asked if she could help, I explained that I was interested in artworks 
relating to money.  She referred me to the nearby Bankrobber Gallery 
for one upcoming graffiti artist who has done some things on a money 
theme.  She hadn't heard of J.S.G. Boggs, but I left a card.  

So far I haven't bumped into anyone in the numismatic or art worlds 
who'd encountered Boggs in his time in London.  I'd like to add one 
of his Bank of England "Boggs Bills" to my collection.  Simon Narbeth 
knew about him but had never handled one of his bills - he said the 
art world is where they tend to land.  But if the art dealer directory 
I picked up at the gallery is any indication, my search will be for a 
needle in a haystack - the 70-page booklet was crammed with hundreds 
of listings for British dealers.

I had dinner at a Brazilian Grill, but went vegetarian instead of 
having beef sliced fresh by waiters at my table.  Go ahead, call me 
a wimp (this means YOU, John Burns!), but the sight of dripping blood 
on a plate in front of your face is enough to make a vegetarian out 
of anyone.  The salad bar and veggie casserole were great.

Stopping in a grocery store for some bottles of water and juice I saw 
a television monitor covering the latest news.  At 3 pm, while I had 
been talking with Darryl at Heathrow, a flaming car was driven into 
the arrivals terminal at Glasgow airport in Scotland.  The bollards 
did their job, keeping the car at the curb.  The rest of the evening 
the news stations covered the unfolding story.  Two people were arrested 
at the scene, one with critical burns.  Luckily none of the innocent 
public was hurt.

So it's an interesting and uneasy time to be in London.  We're nearing 
the two-year anniversary of the 7 July 2005 bombings which killed 52 
people and injured some 700.  Below is a link to an E-Sylum article 
following the attack with an account from Doug Saville.  Doug was working 
at Spink at the time, and one bomb was very near their location.  But 
life goes on.    So far the 2007 score is +7.5 million Londoners and 
visitors, -5 terrorist suspects (three more were arrested today in 
connection with the recent attacks, but at least one suspect remains 
at large).   We'll see what next week brings.  Last night the government 
raised the security level to its highest point (Critical), meaning 
further attacks "are expected".  


To view images of Isaac Newton's Westminster Abbey tomb, see: 

For an online tour of Westminster Abbey, see: 

For more information on the modern Trial of the Pyx, see: 

For a history of the London Assay Office, see: 

For more on the Bankrobber Gallery, see: 


Three weeks ago week Ed Snible asked: "Perhaps E-Sylum readers can 
help me locate the name and origin of a typographic symbol meaning 
'coin reverse'. The symbol usually looks like mismatched parenthesis: 

Harry Waterson writes: "The opposing parenthesis is also used in the 
film industry. Directors and editors mark their scripts with a slightly 
overlapping reverse parentheses to indicate a dissolve. I have always 
found that to be a very appropriate symbol to indicate a cross fade 
from one picture to another. Maybe there is some linkage here with 
the concept of going from an obverse to a reverse."

[The Internet is a wondrous place, with experts on just about any 
topic within easy reach.  But whether they will respond to you is 
always a question mark.  In a fit of curiosity a couple weeks ago 
I fired off email queries to the Gutenberg Museum in Mainz, Germany,
The Type Museum here in London, the International Printing Museum 
near Los Angeles, the Museum of Printing in North Andover, MA and the 
JAARS Museum of the Alphabet in Waxhaw, NC.   Only one replied, but 
was unable to help.  Duncan Avery of the Type Museum suggested the 
St. Brides Printing Library, also in London.  I haven't had time to 
call (during the day work has a pesky habit of getting in the way 
of numismatic fun).  But today I dashed off an email.  Like any 
library or archive, one can't expect the staff to do one's work for 
you, but it's worth a try to at least see if anyone can tell us 
where to look for an answer. -Editor]


Dick Johnson writes: "You haven't told us enough about Flickr and the 
E-Sylum Photostream. You have linked to this before -- and again last 
week with photos of the Better Babies Medal by Laura Gardin Fraser -- 
but we need to be reminded about this valuable resource.
"It is a great idea to be able to add photos to E-Sylum text only items. 
Among the ten illustrations on this site already you have color photos 
and a clipping. I assume black-and-white photos are acceptable, as well 
as drawings and a variety of art prints.  
"But tell us how to use it. Send you the image, and you place it on 
the site?  How about charts?  Is there any image that is NOT acceptable 
(as long as it illustrates an E-Sylum article)?  How about color slides 
and DVD discs?  How about video? Any copyright protection for photos?  
Clue us in, please."

[Well, Flickr was a spur-of-the-moment experiment when I was investigating 
a web-based blog publishing site.  It asked for a link to a personal photo, 
and I needed someplace to put one.  Flickr is just one of many free web 
sites that allow users to upload and host photographs.   I could have 
used the NBS web site, but I'd forgotten how to update it since Bruce 
Perdue and John Nebel have stepped up to those tasks.  

Sites like Flickr require no webmaster tools or special access - anybody 
can create an account and manage their photos through an easy-to-use web 
interface.  It's just the right way to go in 2007. Once I had a Flickr 
account in place (which took only minutes), it was easy to add new 
photos when I wanted to link to them in an E-Sylum issue.  

Early on I made the decision that The E-Sylum would be text-only.  This 
was for two reasons.  Primarily, it's difficult to determine image 
copyrights.  While I can be confident that the text excerpts I publish 
fall within the fair use provisions of the copyright laws, you can't 
exactly excerpt an image - it's all or nothing.  So as much as I'd love 
to include images, they involve too much uncertainty.  The second reason 
is simply the effort involved, and this is partly due to personal 
aptitude and preference.  I'm a Word guy, not an Image guy.  I'll 
happily stay up late getting the text just right, but adjusting, 
clipping, sizing, placing and captioning images just isn't my cup of tea.  

When a reader emails me images for publication (such as the Fraser Better 
Babies medal or President Bush's personal Challenge Coin) or when I feel 
confident that the publisher wouldn't object (such as with photos in Press 
Releases), AND I HAVE THE TIME, I will upload the images to Flickr.  But I 
do this only rarely.   I don't want E-Sylum subscribers to start emailing 
me images willy-nilly.  It's so easy to use a site like Flickr that I would 
encourage any submitter who would like to include a picture to upload it 
themselves and simply include the URL in your email submission to me.  

If you send me a Flickr link for publication, you have to make it a PUBLIC 
link, available to anyone.  If you wish to retain copyright to your image 
be sure to mark it as such and be aware that anyone on the Internet could 
still copy and reuse it regardless.  Any appropriate image that a site 
like Flickr will host (no porn or kids under 18) is fine for inclusion 
in The E-Sylum.

As for videos, sites like YouTube are fair game as well; if a public 
web site will host it and you send me the URL, I'll publish it.  We have 
included links to YouTube videos on at least one occasion in the past. 

The E-Sylum Flickr Photo Archive


A number of earlier E-Sylum articles covered the efforts of Canadian 
Dave Thomson to purchase important medals for survivors' families or 
various Canadian museums and institutions.  Many of the medals were
purchased via eBay, and this week eBay Canada nominated Thompson for 
an award of his own.

"eBay Canada has nominated Canadian military history enthusiast Dave 
Thomson for the prestigious Governor General's Caring Canadian Award. 
eBay Canada's nomination is in recognition of Thomson's patriotic 
and altruistic efforts at preserving Canada's war heritage.

"Thomson, who has been called Canada's 'medal detector,' uses the 
Online marketplace to source and retrieve Canadian war medals. He 
then returns the medals to the families or communities of the fallen 
soldiers. Using his eBay auction skills, Thomson has bid on and won 
more than 65 medal groups that are now in the hands of the soldiers' 
remaining relatives or community museums.

"'I am honoured that eBay is acknowledging me for what essentially 
is a hobby,' said Thomson. 'I was already an avid eBay user for my 
car parts business, but when I stumbled upon that first war medal, I 
found a new purpose for the site. I believe in preserving our country's 
history and respecting the soldiers who sacrificed so much to make 
Canada what it is today, and I am happy to help safeguard Canadian 

"In 2006, while working on a project to restore a First World War 
Memorial plaque in St. George, Ontario, Thomson found his first war medal 
up for sale. After researching and sourcing the town from which the 
honoured soldier came, he bought the medal and donated it to the 
Princeton Museum. Since then, Thomson has reunited families and 
communities with lost First and Second World War Victory medals, 
Memorial Crosses, and Military Crosses.

"The Governor General's Caring Canadian Award was established in 1996 
To honour Canadians for their work in unpaid voluntary activities and 
Recognize their extraordinary help to individuals, communities and to 
the country. More information on the Caring Canadian Award can be 
found at"

To read the complete article, see:




Stephen Pradier forwarded this BBC news article about the shortage 
of small coins in India:

"Millions of Indian coins are being smuggled into neighbouring Bangladesh 
and turned into razor blades. And that's creating an acute shortage of 
coins in many parts of India, officials say.  Police in Calcutta say that 
the recent arrest of a grocer highlights the extent of the problem. They 
seized what they said was a huge coin-melting unit which he was operating 
in a run-down shack. 

"'Our one rupee coin is in fact worth 35 rupees, because we make five 
to seven blades out of them,' the grocer allegedly told the police. 
'Bangladeshi smugglers take delivery of the blades at regular intervals.' 

"Police say that initially the smugglers took coins into Bangladesh and 
then melted them down, but as the scale of the operation has increased, 
more and more criminals in India are melting them down first, and then 
selling them as razor blades. 

"To deal with the coin shortage, some tea gardens in the north-eastern 
state of Assam have resorted to issuing cardboard coin-slips to their 
workers. The denomination is marked on these slips and they are used 
for buying and selling within the gardens. The cardboard coins are the 
same size as the real ones and their value is marked on them. 

"'We will commit an offence if these cardboard slips go out, but we have 
to use them in our gardens because there are hardly any Indian coins in 
circulation here,' said a manager of a tea garden in northern Assam. 

"In Calcutta alone, India's central bank - the Reserve Bank of India - 
has distributed coins worth nearly six million rupees ($150,000) to 
overcome the shortage in the last two weeks, bank treasurer Nilanjan 
Saha said. 

"Shopkeepers ask customers to buy more to make it a round figure so 
that small change does not have to be given out."

To read the complete article, see: 

[So is anyone actively collecting examples of these cardboard money 
substitutes for numismatic collections?  How about some of the razor 
blades?  The time to gather these artifacts is NOW, while the event 
is happening.  The U.S. Civil War era cardboard scrip and postage 
stamp envelopes that I collected were only available because some 
astute collectors in the 1860s put them aside.  If no such actions 
are taken, future numismatists will only be able the read about these 
items in old newspaper accounts, but will never be able to examine 
the actual artifacts.  -Editor]


Recently we discussed and discovered the origin of the "I Am Not Terrorized"

stamp on U.S. paper money.  In his blog this week David Kranz of Numismatic 
News asked about another less mysterious stamp:

"The stamped design shows a person's head in silhouette with a guard tower 
behind, what might be a strand of razor wire running horizontally near the 
chin, and the letters POW*MIA above... Given the design elements and 
familiar acronyms for "Prisoner of War" and "Missing in Action," a 
military theme is clearly intended. 

"I suppose it was stamped onto the note to encourage people to remember 
those who have been prisoners of war or who have been categorized as 
missing in action. 

"But this is a Series 1999 $5 bill. Isn't it unusual that this overstamp 
appears on this note?"

To read Dave's original post, see:,guid,8454f221-02a1-491b-af

[The stamp looks to be identical to the official logo for the American 
"POW/MIA Freedom Fighters" organization.  The goal of the nonprofit 
organization is "to bring all Americans home, alive or dead, from where 
ever they may be held, or lay lost."   Founded many years ago (following 
the Vietnam War, I believe), the group is apparently still active.  The 
latest post on their site concerns Spc. Ahmed K. Altaie of Ann Arbor, 
MI, who was declared missing-captured in Baghdad, Iraq on Dec. 11. 

To view the "I AM NOT TERRORIZED" note, see:



Dick Johnson writes: "Leon Hale, who writes for the Houston Chronicle, 
received an Oklahoma mill token in the mail from one of his readers this 
week. This was the first mill he had ever seen. His June 26, 2007 column 
recounted this event plus a remembered story of saving cents in his 
youth, each of which his family told him was worth 10 mills.
"Leon's correspondent stated that a mill in 1940 was worth more than a 
cent today. Boy, is this ever an invitation to tout my plan to abolish 
the cent coin!  Not only is the cost of the metal composition in each 
cent coin wavering above the value of the cent denomination, but his 
correspondent is correct in that the purchasing power of the cent has 
"What's more important, we don't need pennies for a dynamic American 
economy anymore. And that's good. Our economy has advanced so far that 
a dime can be our smallest denomination coin. 
"Thomas Jefferson invented our coin denominations -- cent, dime, dollar, 
eagle -- and of course, the mill. But we did not need a coin valued at 
one mill, even in 1792 when the first U.S. coins were struck. The mill 
was a money of account then, as it still is a money of account now. Yes,
we did have a half cent then, but it was abolished in 1857 for the same 
reasons the cents are destined to be abolished today -- the rising cost 
of the metal in the coin and the increase in the American economy.
"As E-Sylum readers may remember I suggested the Treasury Department 
abolish both the cent and five-cent nickel, and revalue all these coins 
in circulation to ten cents. This would prohibit any coin shortage that 
would result from inaction or any other proposed solutions. This plan 
was outlined in the September 26, 2006 E-Sylum and the March 26, 2007 
editorial in Coin World.
"Independently, a Federal Reserve Bank economist, Francois R. Velde (an 
E-Sylum subscriber!), came to the same conclusion to revalue the coins, 
but he called his plan "rebasing" and he wanted to revalue the cent only. 
He based his conclusion after an exhaustive scholarly study, and published 
a book with co-author Thomas J. Sargent on "The Big Problem of Small 
Change" (published by Princeton University Press). He said it better than 
I did. He publish his plan in the February 2007 Chicago Fed Letter "What's 
A Penny (or a Nickel) Really Worth?" See:
"As for the mill that Leon Hale received in the mail, this was struck 
here in Connecticut at the Scovill Manufacturing Company, in aluminum, 
as were most of the metal tax tokens for other states. Sales taxes were 
enacted in the Great Depression and tokens were ordered to facilitate 
collecting these taxes when citizens really had to pinch their pennies. 
"At first, states employed a variety of paper receipts and cardboard 
tokens to collect these fractions of a cent. As a teenager I visited a 
plant in Kansas City that normally made the cardboard caps that fit on 
glass milk bottles. They manufactured the first Missouri Mills of 
cardboard on the same machinery that made the milk bottle lids!
"State tax officials realized the sales tax would be permanent (when is 
a tax ever not permanent?) they turned to metal tokens. But when aluminum 
became a war metal in the early 1940s, states had to have their mills 
made of something else. Plastic was an obvious answer. So decades later 
sales tax tokens are a delight for numismatists to collect for their 
variety of compositions, sizes, center holes, and different colors of 
the plastic tokens. 
"Those states that had a sales tax but did not issue mill tokens used a 
tax schedule, rounding off and collecting only whole cents. In the future 
when Americans abolish the cent and nickel -- which we must do at some 
time! -- we will do the same, but round off to the nearest dime. To 
critics who say this would be more costly need only look back to the 
success of those wartime years when sales tax charges were rounded off. 
That plan is still in use today, a half century later, to collect sales 
tax. Today cash registers automatically round off the tax to the nearest 
"That Oklahoma tax token is an artifact of the past, but a precursor 
of something yet to come, a change for America's small change."

To read Leon Hale's published article, see: 



There have been at least a few takers for the massive new Canadian 
gold coin:

"The Royal Canadian Mint has sold five of its $1-million gold collector 
coins, and at least four of them are headed where the money is - to 
the West Coast.

'But as the mint and the dealers disclosed, a million bucks is just 
the face value of the 100-kilogram, 99.999-per-cent-pure gold coins. 

"The mint sold them for at least $2.3 million apiece based on market 

"But J & M Jewellery Ltd. of Vancouver confirmed it did purchase one - 
after paying the mint $175,000 down - but has already sold it to a 
wealthy buyer who remains anonymous.

"An official with A-Mark Precious Metals Inc. of Santa Monica, Calif., 
confirmed his firm bought three of the coins, but he would not discuss 
their fate."

To read the complete article, see:

Dick Johnson writes: "Man gets cent in change, dated 1917. Man tells 
brother about cent. Brother asks if he has a VDB. 'VDB? I hadn't heard 
that for decades.'
"Funny, once you have collected coins in America you never forget those 
initials. And we all remember that monogram and who the initials identity. 
The lore of the story of Brenner's signature being ripped off the cent in 
1909 reverberates from the 9-year-old who first collects coins to the 
seasoned numismatist who long since advanced to other series and coins 
to collect.
"Treasury officials who ordered the initials removed from the reverse 
of the 1909 cent unknowingly cemented Brenner's fame. (His original 
model had "Brenner" in script on bottom reverse; the famed initials were 
a replacement to that.) I have studied American sculptors and medallists. 
Brenner's work, while prodigious as a medallist, was not that top drawer 
as a sculptor. Yet he is included in most every list I have found of 
American sculptors. Included, perhaps, because of the story of that 
one unthinking act of removing an artist's signature. 
"And the reply to the brother's question:  "Any boy worth his salt 40 
or 50 years ago would recognize those initials." And they still do.
"Here's a charming story by news editor Richard Lodge for the Waltham, 
Mass, Daily News Tribune. It will trigger memories perhaps of your own 
early days finding an unusual cent in circulation: "


Until someone let the cat out of the bag, students at Colorado State 
University enjoyed a nice discount on campus parking.

"'If you put pennies from 1980 or before in the gray parking meters, 
they count as quarters,' an anonymous item in the campus paper, The 
Rocky Mountain Collegian, advised. 

"That led the university to contact the meters' manufacturer, POM 

"The Russellville, Ark.-based company agreed to replace any of the 
674 meters with the glitch, a process that should be complete by the 
end of summer. 

"In its more than two centuries, the American penny has been made of 
mostly copper - until 1982. 

"It is the pre-1982 pennies - and many from 1982, as coins of both 
compositions appear in that year - that are treated like quarters 
on some of the meters at CSU. 

"It's unclear if it's the copper-heavy composition, weight or another 
factor that causes the coins to fool the meters. 

"Briana Daughenbaugh, a CSU graduate student, lamented: 'I wish nobody 
ever said anything.' "

To read the complete Denver Post article, see:
Dick Johnson forwarded a link to the article as well, plus an 
Associated Press account of the story on the Forbes web site: 


This week's featured web page is a lengthy discussion on Google 
Answers initiated by an earlier item in The E-Sylum.  A reader asks: 
"I would like to see proof & an image (jpeg) confirming the reported
existance of a halfpence token from the Magdalen Islands (Iles de la

The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization 
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at this address: 

To join, print the application and return it with your check 
to the address printed on the application. Membership is only 
$15 to addresses in the U.S., $20 elsewhere.  For those without 
web access, write to:

David M. Sundman, Secretary/Treasurer
Numismatic Bibliomania Society, 
P. O. Box 82 Littleton, NH 03561

For Asylum mailing address changes and other membership 
questions, contact David at this email address: 
dsundman at

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