The E-Sylum v7#05, February 1, 2004
whomren at
whomren at
Sun Feb 1 18:55:01 PST 2004
Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 7, Number 05, February 1, 2004:
an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society.
Copyright (c) 2004, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society.
John and Nancy Wilson of Ocala, FL write: "We received
sad news from Bob Hurst, a Florida United Numismatists
Board member. He received news that Tim Prusmack passed
away on January 26, 2004. This is extremely sad news as we
talked to Tim the day before and he said he was doing well.
He sounded good and was excited about the future. He said
that he had recently talked to ANA Convention Manager
Brenda Bishop and was looking forward to having a table in
Pittsburgh for the ANA Convention.
He also was excited about FUN having the big 50th Anniversary
show next year. He said that his hands were almost ready to
start producing another set of the 25 cent state series. He was
looking forward to doing an extra Florida quarter note that had
his design but lost. He also mentioned the possibilities of being
selected to do work for the U. S. Mint. His doctor gave him
permission to travel to the mint if he was selected.
What a great loss to all of us and his family. He will be missed
greatly by his many friends from coast to coast. All of our
prayers and thoughts are with his parents Armand and Florence,
along with the rest of the Prusmack family. His great work on
designs of banknotes will be a lasting memory for the Mozart
of Money Artists."
[Tim's web site is For more
information about Tim and his artwork, see the December
1998 COINage magazine article on his web site:
"Bureau of Engraving and Prusmack" by Kari Stone:
The Wilsons also forwarded this obituary for Tim
from a Fort Pierce, FL newspaper:
"Tim Prusmack died Jan. 26, 2004. He excelled in reproducing,
by hand, complicated antique money, long-ago bank notes
and self-designed artistic money. Mr. Prusmack was president
of the Treasure Coast Coin Club for six years. He was one-time
New York junior golf champion. Survivors include his parents,
Dr. Armand J. Prusmack and Florence Syrewicz; brother Ajon;
and sister Nancy. Memorial contributions may be made to the
Cleary School for the Deaf, 301 Smithtown Blvd., Nesconset,
NY 11767. SERVICES: Arrangements are by Yates Funeral
Home, Port St. Lucie." -Editor]
Tom Fort, editor of our print journal, writes: "Here are the
contents for the Fall 2003 issue of The Asylum, which is now
on its way to the printer:
"Numismatic Literature of Western Pennsylvania Numismatic
Society Members before the Second World War,"
by Wayne K. Homren
"Town of Books," by Russell A. Hibbs
"George Kolbe and the California Wildfires,"
by Wayne K. Homren and others
"Mendacity Revisited," by Myron Xenos"
Regarding the photo of attendees at the NBS meeting at
the recent FUN show in Florida, Craig Eberhart writes:
"It's me in the photo!" We've now added a proper
caption for the photo on our web site.
See the picture at:
Someone who could not attend the FUN show this year
was "Mr. FUN" himself, centurion Bob Hendershott. I was
thrilled to attend Bob's 100th birthday party - I believe it was
at the ANA convention in Portland in 1998.
Dave Harper writes: "Bob was not at the FUN show. His
daughter said that they didn't want him to travel there because
he would have had to change planes. Later in the show I
learned that he had pneumonia. It was not a good period for
We wish Bob well and wouldn't be surprised to hear him
making plans to attend next year's 50th anniversary show.
Darryl Atchison writes: "Dear Friends: On behalf of the
Canadian Numismatic Bibliography Review Committee I wish
to apologize to those individuals who have already subscribed
to our publication for the lengthy delay in publication.
We had originally hoped to have the text finished in time for
Christmas (2003) or soon thereafter. Unfortunately a series of
computer and technical problems that were completely beyond
our control - including one complete hard-drive failure - has
put us about two-three months behind schedule. At present our
proofreaders are still reviewing the manuscript and this process
is going somewhat slower than we had originally envisioned.
Having said this, we would like to assure everyone who is
interested in this text - particularly those who have already sent
in pre-paid orders - that we are working as quickly as we can to
publish the results of our ten-year project. Unfortunately, as
everyone connected with this project is a part-time volunteer
(including the authors, proof-readers and technical advisers)
we cannot devote as much time on a day-to-day basis as we
may like and we can only request your further patience and
Having said all of this, it is our now sincerest hope that we
will have the text finished in time for Easter barring any more
unforeseen difficulties. Should there be any further developments
or delays we will keep you advised.
In the meantime, should anyone have any questions or
comments they can contact either Ron Greene at
ragreene at or myself at atchisondf at
and we will do our best to answer any concerns.
Once again, please accept our sincerest apologies for the
delay and any inconvenience that this may have caused."
[Anything worth having is worth waiting for. We wish the
project members good luck as they work toward completion.
Bowers and Merena Galleries of Louisiana (no longer
associated with Q. David Bowers) has issued a new
dealer organ titled "Numisma." Issue No. 1 is dated
January 2004 and contains a review of David K.
Watson's "History of American Coinage" (The
Kickerbocker Press, New York, NY, 1899. xix,
278 pages) by B&M's Senior Numismatist, Mark
QUIZ QUESTION: How many previous numismatic
periodicals have been named Numisma? When were
they issued and by whom?
As mentioned in earlier E-Sylum issues, John Adams
is leading a detailed survey "to determine the known
extant population of the 12 different Comita Americana
medals from the 18th century." A detailed article by
Paul Gilkes appears in the February 9, 2004 issue of
The same issue of COIN WORLD has an interesting
column by David Alexander on "Wound Badge" issued
to survivors of the July 20, 1944 attempt on the life
of Adolf Hitler. Col. Claus Schenck von Stauffenberg,
had access to Hilter in his forest headquarters, called
Wolfschanz (Wolf's Lair). Stauffenberg placed a
suitcase bomb under a conference table at a meeting.
The blast killed four, but only injured Hitler.
"The 20 Juli Wound Badge was a .800 fine silver
oval, 42.7 by 35.5 millimeters, with flat back solid
construction and a hinged tunic pin."
See the following web page for an image of the medal
and list of the people present at the time of the incident.
[Much was written in The E-Sylum and elsewhere
about the "Great Debate" between Ted Buttrey and
Mike Hodder which took place at the 1999 convention
of the American Numismatic Association near Chicago,
IL. The subject of the debate was the status of several
western and Mexican gold assay bars. See The E-Sylum
v2n33-36 (August 16, 1999 - September 5, 1999) and
later issues. -Editor]
John M. Kleeberg writes: "Followers of the Great Debate
will be aware that it has several aspects besides Western
Gold Bars: notably, the authenticity of Mexican Gold Bars
that emerged onto the market in the 1950s. Professor
Buttreys position on the Western Gold Bars was confirmed
in the Numismatist in August 2003, when Holabird, Evans
and Fitch condemned the Lilly-Smithsonian Justh & Hunter
bar and questioned the authenticity of the Lilly-Smithsonian
Parsons bar.
I have just acquired (although the introduction is signed
August 2003) a new book that throws more light on the
Mexican bars: Alan K. Craig and Ernest J. Richards,
Spanish Treasure Bars from New World Shipwrecks
(West Palm Beach: En Rada Publications, 2003).
Professor Alan Craig is probably known to readers of
The E-Sylum as the author of three books about the coin
collections of the State of Florida from the 1715 Plate Fleet
and other sources. Ernest Richards is a longtime researcher
on shipwrecks.
The book is a path-breaking study of genuine Spanish
colonial bars, but perhaps the most interesting material comes
in chapter 12 on falsifications. The authors worked
independently of Professor Buttrey and do not seem to be
aware of his 1974 and 1996 articles condemning the Mexican
gold bars: thus, they say that the first appearance of one of the
Mexican bars was as lot 2093 of the 1975 ANA sale. This is
incorrect: the earliest appearance I have been able to trace was
when Paul Franklin of Massapequa Park, Long Island
(Franklin died in March 2000) exhibited a bar at the meeting
of the Brooklyn Coin Club on September 1, 1954
(Numismatist 1954, p. 1214). Photographs of the Mexican
bars were first published in Robert Nesmiths 1958 book,
Dig for Pirate Treasure, and then appeared in Harry Rieseberg,
Treasure of the Buccaneer Sea (1962; Rieseberg even claimed
to be the salvor!) and the 1964 Encyclopedia Britannica
before the Smithsonian acquired a whole slew of these bars in
1967 as part of the Lilly Collection.
Craig and Richards conclusions, nonetheless, are even more
trenchant than those of Professor Buttrey (see pages 148 and
149): outrageous in your face gold and silver ingots
outrageous concoction
These bars are being made
dates between 1740 and 1746 integrally cast into the bars
along with a conspicuous legend in large, modern font letters
reading: HISP crowned shield ET ID
. They are the product
of corrupt people with criminal intent. I have been engaged in
my own research on the Western and Mexican bars, and I, too,
have concluded that the bars are false. In light of these recent
publications, Alan Weinbergs announcement that the
Smithsonian is taking down its exhibits of these bogus bars is
welcome news indeed."
James CD. Spilman writes: "The long-awaited CD of Colonial
Newsletter Back Issues #1 through #103 is now ready for
shipment. Price is $65.00 postpaid within the United States
ONLY. Please send check or Postal Money Order to:
The Colonial Newsletter Foundation, Inc.
P.O.Box 4411
Huntsville, AL 35815"
Bob Merchant writes: "The Thomas Warner communion
token collection was sold by the Chapman Brothers in 1884
- "The Warner Sale". The entire communion token collection
was sold as a single lot. I am trying to find out what the lot
number was, and who purchased it. I have been able to
trace this collection from the 1940's to the present day, and
would like to complete the pedigree from 1884 to the 1940's.
Can any E-Sylum readers help? Thank you."
Barb Anwari writes: "Thanks - I did hear from Dan Freidus!
I found an entry on "Granby Token" in a 1901 reference book;
as it was the first brush with the term, I did some online
research. It appeared there's a paucity of documentation, so
I passed along my finding to Mr. Freidus - the entry says John
Higley crafted the Granby Token, minted 1737 & 1739, and
it described the markings and verbiage just as I found it on
your site. I hope this helps; I am a features writer and
book/prints collector myself, with a great interest in history.
If I can (re)capture information, I'm delighted."
[It's nice to know people are finding our web site and
also finding it useful. -Editor]
Dick JOhnson writes: "Frequently asked questions on medal
collecting are now on the Medal Collectors of America
website, thanks to webmaster David Boitnott.
I would welcome any other basic questions a new medal
collector (or the public) might ask. If you have a spare
moment check out:
John M. Kleeberg writes: "Dick Johnson wrote me and
asked that I post more information on Peter Rosa (1926-1990).
Much information about Rosa can be found in Wayne Sayles
book, Classical Deception, which catalogues Rosas copies of
ancient coins. In the Colonial Newsletter for April 2002 I
published what information I could gather about Rosas copies
of colonial and territorial coins. Les Elam, Bill Metcalf, Eric
Newman, Ken Bressett and Wayne Sayles made many helpful
suggestions that went into that article.
Rosa worked for the stamping and casting firm of
Taylor Industries, with offices at 250 West Broadway
and a manufactory on Staten Island; he resided in the
Bronx. His firm, the Becker Manufacturing Company,
was called that because he saw himself as the heir to
the German diesinker (and friend of Goethe) Carl
Wilhelm Becker, whose copies of ancient coins (and
early thalers and siege pieces) can be so deceptive.
The name may have also been chosen for a second
reference to ancient coins: its initials are BMC,
which in numismatic literature refers to the British
Museum Catalogue.
People who prepare copies often do not use traditional
minting technology, but adapt the technology they know
best. This makes it difficult to unravel how the
copies were made. What I think Rosa did was to make
a cast of the original coin using dental alginate. He
then used the dental alginate to make a metal positive
copy. The positive copy was used to make one to one
transfer dies. He would touch up the die by hand.
One method he used was to strike each side of the coin
individually, out of sheets of lead; he would trim off
the scissel and solder together the two remaining
pieces. The lead would then be covered over with a
metallic paint. Later he would cover the lead with a
thin sheet of silver, so the obverse would appear to
be a silver coin, but one would see it was lead when
one turned it over. Note that Rosas method results
in coins that have elements of both a cast and a
struck copy one of those instances where the old
joke, the obverse is cast but the reverse is struck,
is true. It is possible, however, that the Rosa
pieces that show this treatment date from the 1980s,
when he sold uniface pieces because the numismatic
press would no longer accept his advertisements for
two sided copies; the uniface pieces were then
soldered together by subsequent owners. An odd thing
about the Rosa dies is that they are much larger than
the coins they struck; the coin is a small incuse
portion in the center of the die. Rosa had access to a
Janvier lathe that allowed him to blow up and reduce
designs: thus he could create multiples and fractions
of coins where only one denomination was known. He
also had some method of creating a collar die, because
the reeding I have seen on his territorial gold coins
(notably a Kellogg $20) is excellent. Wayne Sayles
told me of another example of Rosas ability to apply
designs to the edge: he has seen Rosa copies of
British Museum coins where Rosa provided a lettered
edge giving the BMC number of the original.
For the World of Coins Exhibit that was installed in
1983, the American Numismatic Society for security
purposes had Rosa make copies of gold coins and
displayed the copies (properly labeled as such). The
Rosa copies were easily recognizable by their bright
orange color.
Although his California private gold pieces are not
deceptive in their appearance they are made out of
base metal, and have that bright orange color he
also struck territorial gold pieces in copper. An
example is a Kellogg & Co. double eagle of 1854. The
copper variety can be ascribed to Rosa because of
certain defects that also appear on the goldine
versions: pimples along the cheekbone and a straight,
horizontal raised cut in the middle of the neck. A
researcher who is not careful might think the Rosa
copper fake was an unreported Kellogg pattern.
The 1804 large cent is an interesting discovery. I
had not hitherto known that Rosa made copies of
federal coins. Since it is uniface, it may be one of
his 1980s products.
A lot of Rosa copies are being sold on the Internet at
present; many are second and third generation casts
made from Rosas first generation copies. Rosa is one
of the leading sources of the New Hampshire 1776 WM
copy, which causes so much trouble. Just the other
week I saw one posted as genuine where the consignor
observed that the white metal base was visible below
the copper patination: this, of course, is not an
eighteenth century technique, but is one of the
techniques used by Rosa.
Eric Newman found a Rosa price list in his files that
listed colonial copies, numbered from 2 through 189;
copies of an 8 reales and 8 escudos; and two
territorial gold copies (including a Parsons bar).
Many numbers were missing, since those pieces had
already sold out. I published this in my Colonial
Newsletter article. I hope that people will dig up
more price lists and Rosa advertisements so that we
can produce a complete listing of Rosas colonial and
territorial (and federal) copies. I know that the Colonial
Coin Collectors Club at one point was photographing
copies to compile a database. Richard D. Kenneys
pamphlet on the classic struck colonial copies is helpful,
but there are many additional copies that need to be listed.
The ANS has tray after tray of colonial copies.
Does anyone know who made the copies for the Copley
Coin Company in Boston in the early 1960s? They
resemble Rosas work, but could have been made by
someone else."
Steve Pellegrini, in submitting the following item on the first
John J. Ford sale catalog, writes: "If you need an item for a
future newsletter feel free to use this if you care to. I can
imagine how much work & time must go into producing a
weekly newsletter. Hope my occasional purple rambling at
least gives you some back-up material. I think you know how
much your Monday letters mean to us all. I think that the
steady stream of new members says it all."
On the phone earlier this week, John Adams asked, "I don't
know how you get the E-Sylum out each week." Well,
sometimes I don't know, either.... But one secret is that a lot
of the submissions come in on Monday, and I cut and paste
them into the draft immediately, and edit them right away if I
have time before calling it a night. By Thursday most of the
week's material is in place, at least crudely.
There is no file of backup material. If I get it, I publish it
immediately. I once tried holding things back for the "rainy
day pile" but one day decided it was too much bother.
Besides, I figured, the more material in one week's issue, the
more there will be for readers to comment on the next week.
That thought has borne out week after week, although not
always according to expectations. Some items I'm sure will
generate a lot of response bring nothing. And some of the
most innocuous-seeming items will generate extremely
interesting responses from unexpected quarters. That's the
joy of it all - you never know where the train of thought
will take us, but ride never ceases to be interesting. The
E-Sylum readership is an fascinating bunch, and I'm happy
and honored to be the focal point bringing it all together.
The bulk of my work takes place in the evening after my
wife and kids are in bed, which gives me special empathy
with William F. Gable, whose coin collection was sold on
May 27-29, 1914 by S. H. Chapman. Gable was not only
a numismatist but a bibliophile. Gable (1856-1921) owned
a tremendous collection of books, manuscripts and autographs,
which was sold in several sales by the American Art Association
of New York, beginning in 1924. The introduction to the first
sale (November 5-6, 1923 states:
"Many and beautiful were the tributes paid to him by his
thousands of friends. Few, however, of these friends knew of
his great and varied collection of books and manuscripts of
literary and historic interest. This was due mostly to the fact that
the hours spent in collecting the books and letter, now about to
be sold, -- the happiest hours of William F. Gable's life -- were
taken from those generally allotted to sleep. It had been his
custom, from the years of his early youth, to sleep only four or
five hours each day.... Those hours of the night, during which
most men slept, William F. Gable read and reread his prized
literary possessions, wrote letters to his many book-dealer
friends, read catalogues of sales, and lovingly filled out folders
for his autograph letters."
Steve Pellegrini writes: "I'm curious to know the PRL in the
recent Fred Lake Sale for the Oct/'03 Stack's catalogue of
Part I of the John J. Ford, Jr. Collection. I already know that
my bid for it was unsuccessful. It seems this 3 month old
catalogue has become, in the words of another Numis Dealer,
"An instant rarity." On going out in search of another copy I
felt lucky to get a lead for an unpriced copy which turned out
to be priced at around $100. Too much? Sounds like it, but
who knows? I do know that this is a unique and uniquely
important collection. I believe this work will be of lasting
value to not only to coin collectors but also to historians,
curators, certainly to professional numismatists and dealers in
US collectibles.
[The Ford sale catalog was lot A40 in the Lake Books
January 20th sale. According to the prices realized on the
web site, the lot brought $55 -Editor]
Ford's love of history and research, his demanding
connoisseurship, vast numismatic expertise, acquaintances &
plain old being in the right place at the right time have resulted
in something more than a great coin collection. It is a vast
organized repository of tangible connections with our history.
Walter Breen used the phrase 'coiner's caviar' to describe the
rarest and choicest survivors of our early copper coinage.
But the word caviar, besides its images of exclusivity and
superior quality may also convey the image of a densely
bunched monochrome uniformity - to me the very definition
of a certain type of 'pop top' US coin collecting. A style of
collecting which results in a side-by-side repetition which
wears on the eye and curiosity regardless of the beauty or
rarity of the individual coins. Too often when viewing these
complete collections of gem 'series sets', my eyes begin to see
only a monotonous, uniform progression of matched coins
marching across the page in dated lock step - first year of
issue to the last. Ford's choices of coins, tokens and medals,
on the other hand, stop the eyes short at every step. We can't
help but ask, which came first, the story or the coin? For each
choice example is either a highlight of America's story or an
illumination of some obscure nook of her story now rescued
and conserved that we may consider and enjoy at our leisure.
Each item, at the very least, hints at its history like a long buried
signpost pushed up from the compost. A history which must
lay deeply buried indeed for Ford not to have been able to dig,
worry or excavate it from its place in time's midden.
I'm sure that Stack's will enjoy a rush of new yearly subscribers
to their auction catalogues. A way, hopefully, to insure the next
Stack's catalogued installment of the Ford Collection won't end
up costing more than some of the items it features. That's my
plan at least. One thing for sure is that I, like so many others,
intend to have in my library a record of this treasure trove of our
history. We can safely assume that once sold nobody ever,
anywhere will be able to duplicate the accomplishment of the
John J. Ford, Jr. Collection."
In an American Numismatic Society press release, Sebastian
Heath writes: "In conjunction with the National Bank of
Romania, the American Numismatic Society is pleased to
make available the text of "The History of Coins in Romania"
by Octavian Iliescu. This work is available for download as a
Microsoft Word document from ."
David Fanning submitted the NBS web site to a page
of book-related organizations maintained by Oak Knoll
Press of New Castle, DE. From the Oak Knoll marketing
"As part of Oak Knoll's continuing efforts to promote books
and the book arts we have devoted part of our web site to providing a list of over 70
book related Societies and Organizations. This list runs
from A to Y (we didn't find any Z) and maybe there is one
on the list that you haven't heard about. They all have links
to the relevant web sites so take some time to browse the
list and follow a few links.
The direct link to the Societies and organizations page is:>.
Dick Gaetano forwarded the following press release
from Odyssey Marine Exploration with a project update
on their SS Republic reclamation effort.
"Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc., a leader in the field
of deep ocean shipwreck exploration, continues to
excavate the SS Republic, a ship that sank in 1865 with
a large cargo of coins. To date, more than 17,000 coins,
with a total face value of $54,500 (approximately 14,230
silver and 2,950 gold coins) and over 750 other artifacts
have been recovered. The recovered coins represent
approximately 14% of the "$400,000 in specie" (face
value) historical records indicate was on board the Republic
when she sank.
National Geographic Television and Film has been following
the expedition since the beginning. Principal photography was
completed last week for the program's planned television
broadcasts on Dateline NBC and "National Geographic
Ultimate Explorer" on MSNBC. The airdate will be
announced when it is confirmed.
"We're looking forward to sharing the Republic story with
television audiences worldwide via the National Geographic
cameras," stated Greg Stemm, Odyssey co-founder. "Our
focus now is the recovery of the coins. When that is
completed, we will continue the archaeological excavation
of other areas of the shipwreck.
Once operations were recommenced in January, the new
systems for picking up and managing coins proved very
successful. Between January 13 and January 26, more
than 13,000 coins were recovered.
The SS Republic was a side wheel steamer that sank in 1865
while en route from New York to New Orleans after battling
a hurricane for two days. Odyssey discovered the shipwreck
1,700 feet below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean
approximately 100 miles off the Georgia coast. The
archaeological excavation of the shipwreck began in November
of 2003 and is continuing.
Among the coins already retrieved are numerous gold eagles,
gold double eagles, silver half dollars and even some quarters,
nearly all dating between the 1840's and 1865. Unlike other
recently salvaged shipwrecks, a wide variety of dates and
mints have been noted in this find. Based on the pieces
recovered thus far that have been professionally conserved by
Numismatic Conservation Services (NCS) and graded and
encapsulated by Numismatic Guaranty Corporation (NGC),
this collection may already include several finest-known
examples of United States gold and silver coins from the
period. While excavation has already uncovered thousands
of coins, there is insufficient information at this point to predict
the total value of the shipwreck and its cargo."
Chris Fuccione reports that the address of the web site
for the book by Alec S. Tulkoff which Michael Sullivan
discussed last week is
The book was published in 2000.
Michael J. Sullivan adds: "To clarify, I didn't write the
summary. It came from an E-Bay Listing ! The book
is for sale at Amazon as well."
Ron Haller-Williams found the web site, too. He writes:
"There is a link to the author's description of the book at
BTW, the bibliographic data was incomplete. So I quote
in full: "Counterfeiting The Holocaust: A Historical And
Archival Examination Of Holocaust Artifacts ISBN:
0-7643-1109-3 Size: 8 1/2" x 11" 88 Pages
$19.95 + S/H Illustrations: over 160 color and b/w
photographs and maps. Copyright © [July] 2000 Alec S.
Tulkoff [softbound] Schiffer Publishing Ltd
On the site are links to pictures and explanatory background
of several fake items, and to an essay entitled "Who Is
Selling This Stuff And Why?" Also an e-mail link if you
want to buy the book."
[The author also publishes an email newsletter on the topic:
"After completing the manuscript for my book, I continued
to monitor the counterfeits and fakes being sold on the Internet.
The large number of such items continuously appearing for
sale and auction led me to start a Newsletter dealing with
the topic.
I felt it necessary to keep on top of the ever changing
counterfeit material showing up on the market. With each
new discovery or display of original artifacts brought
about the quick manufacture and distribution of
counterfeits. "
Bill Rosenblum adds: "However please be aware the site
was last updated in January of 2002, two years ago.
I have not read the book although I know it should be in
my library. I spoke with the author sometime before he
wrote the book and I was not impressed with his
numismatic knowledge. At one time his website had a
well known fake Buchenwald note shown under the genuine
items. I tried to find some coins on the website, I saw the
word once but could not find it again.
From others I have spoken with I have been told that the
author is a well meaning and serious collector who was
"burnt" badly a few times on some Holocaust artifacts he
purchased. This led him to write his book and his newsletter.
However, at times he has accused well known and
knowledgeable dealers who have handled this material for
30 years with selling fakes (mostly non numismatic).
Anyone can write a book.
My thoughts about the book and the website are not
meant to denigrate the book or the idea behind it. In the
early 1970's when I first started to handle this material there
was very little written about it. Most of what I learned about
the field was through reading the few works available,
talking with the few people who handled it and collected it
and speaking with the few survivors who would speak
about their experiences.
Arlie Slabaugh had a small section in his POW money
pamphlet and there were some articles in the notgeld
newsletter by (I believe) David Atsimony. I'm writing this
note off the top of my head so some of the titles and
authors may be wrong. Those were in the 1960's. In 1973
Sam Simon published Handbook of the mail in the
concentration camps 1933-1945 which was mainly a postal
history but did have some numismatic information. In the
1970's more information started to appear in the first
book by Albert Pick and Carl Siemsen as well as in The
Shekel, the International Bank Not Society Journal. Also,
some articles appeared in both the newsletter of the very
short-lived Judaic Syngraphic Collectors Association and
one or two in my own house organ, the Judaic Numismatic
Newsletter. In the early 80's, two issues of The Shekel were
devoted to Numismatics of the Holocaust. Since then many
other works have appeared including, but not limited to books
by Campbell, Schwan & Boling, Franquinent, Stahl and
Burke. I'm sure I left some out.
This is a very serious and important field in numismatics
as paper money (and a few metal tokens) were used in
both Ghettos and concentration camps. The Nazis did not
just murder millions of Jews (and many others) but they
used them up first. The use of money and the accompanying
financial documents show just how depraved they were and
also show the determination of the inmates and residents of
the camps and Ghettos to try to survive. Like all fields of
numismatics there are unscrupulous people who try to exploit
the novice collector. Know your source and learn for yourself.
For those of you who see me at the few shows I still set up
at, I usually have a small group of counterfeit concentration
camp notes which I do not sell but I will show any or are
interested. Unfortunately some of the more common examples
still show up at flea markets in the mid-west.
Please excuse any rambling that went on above. This is an
area that I feel very strongly about. About 50 years ago I met
my cousin "Willie" at a family function. He just sat in a corner,
looking slightly out of it and never spoke a word. I remember
that and the numbers tattooed on his wrist. I was about 8 years
old but I still recall those details and I never saw him again.
And nobody said a word about him."
[My only encounter with a survivor was Mr. Steiner, a man in
the neighborhood where I grew up. I delivered newspapers to
his home, where he lived with his wife. I noticed the number
tattooed on his arm. I was about 13, but knew immediately
what it meant. I could never bring myself to ask him about it.
Herb Friedman writes: "For those readers who have some
interest in the field of propaganda I offer the Propaganda
banknotes of Operation Desert Storm:
From the web page: "Portions of this article have previously
been published in the International Banknote Journal,
Vol. 30, No. 4, 1991, Vol. 33, No. 2, 1994, and Volume
40, No.1, 2001."
[This is a very interesting, thorough and well-illustrated
article. -Editor]
Bob Leonard writes: "Unfortunately for Darryl, it is still
usually necessary to read books, instead of finding everything
conveniently on-line. The "Umpqua River Hoard" is given
two pages by Dave Bowers in American Coin Treasures and
Hoards (pp. 38-9); it is also covered (and offered for sale)
in Rare Coin Review No. 31 (1978), p. 11."
Greg Heim writes. I have a copy of the 1987 "Redbook" that
was given out at the banquet of the 1986 ANA Convention.
Turning the book 90 degrees clockwise, I noticed the white
pages are speckled when pressed together. Is anyone else's
book like this? You can e-mail me at
gynandroidhead at Thanks in advance."
Fred Reed writes: "I have followed the discussion on
Photoshop and currency reproduction in the last two
issues of The E-Sylum with interest. As Publisher-Editor
of a paper money magazine (Society of Paper Money
Collector's journal PAPER MONEY) and the author of
currency articles and books, this turn of events could
really cramp what I do.
I'll admit that my concerns aren't "a hill of beans"
in the concerns of governments and major corporations,
but it was at least good to see the references you cited
acknowledged the lawfulness of some currency copying
so it will be interesting to see what unfolds down the line.
Keep up the good work."
Brad Karoleff writes: "I will be attending the pre-Long Beach
George Kolbe sale and am willing to represent bidders at the
sale. Interested parties can contact me at
Coins + 513-621-1996 or 859-371-1414."
Martin Purdy writes: "Regarding Chick Ambrass' comments
from last week, Ray Williams writes: "Although I agree with
Chick's points in his article, I think he actually meant to say
British Colonies instead of American colonies."
I disagree. "American" is used in the geographical sense here,
rather than possessive. Try substituting "Pacific" or "African"
for "American" and you'll see what I mean. To include such
Canadian bits as there were at the time, I might have said
"North American colonies", mind you."
Rich Hartzog writes: "I found this interesting link, with a new
(to me) exonumia word:
Peridromophily: Street car transfer collecting
Happy Collecting!"
Another coin-swallowing outbreak was reported by
Reuters on January 30, 2004:
"New coins introduced by Vietnam's Central Bank are
being gobbled up -- not by collectors, but rather by children
who swallow them after mistaking them for sweets.
Since three coins were made available in mid-December after
a two-decade absence, doctors have treated at least 17
children for swallowing them."
"The mishaps are an unforeseen headache for Vietnam's central
bank, which had hoped the coins would promote the use of
vending machines and other conveniences.
The launch of Vietnam's new money has faced other glitches.
Polymer-based, counterfeit proof banknotes that were also
introduced last month were hit by rumors that the bills would
be withdrawn because they had no year of issue printed on
To read the full article, see:
On January 26, 2004, Reuters had this report out of
Lubbock, TX:
"The oldest bank robber in the United States, 92-year-old
J.L. Hunter Rountree, was sentenced to more than 12 years
in prison on Friday after he pleaded guilty to robbing $1,999
from a Texas bank last August.
Rountree, who goes by the nickname "Red," said he robbed
his first bank when he was about 80 because he wanted
revenge against banks for sending him into a financial crisis."
"He appeared in court in a loose-fitting prison outfit and
shackles on his ankles. He had a cane to help him walk.
Rountree listened to the proceedings through headphones
because he is hard of hearing."
"Federal officials said they had no records to prove it, but they
are fairly certain Rountree was the oldest person ever to rob a
bank in the United States."
To read the full article, see:
This week's featured web page is recommended by
Larry Mitchell: A Survey of Digital Library Aggregation
Services by Martha Brogan, "an independent library
consultant with two decades of experience in academic
"This report provides an overview of a diverse set of more
than thirty digital library aggregation services, organizes them
into functional clusters and then evaluates them more fully
from the perspective of an informed user."
Wayne Homren
Numismatic Bibliomania Society
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non-profit organization promoting numismatic
literature. For more information please see
our web site at
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the web site. To join, print the application and
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on the application. For those without web access,
write to W. David Perkins, NBS Secretary-Treasurer,
P.O. Box 212, Mequon, WI 53092-0212.
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