The E-Sylum v7#44, October 31, 2004

whomren at whomren at
Sun Oct 31 20:12:30 PST 2004

Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 7, Number 44, October 31, 2004:
an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society.
Copyright (c) 2004, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society.


   Among recent new subscribers is Isabelo Toledo.
   Welcome aboard!  We now have 696 subscribers.


   George Kolbe writes: "I just learned that Frank Van Zandt
   passed away Saturday morning, October 30th, after long
   being ill. In a field filled with unusual and remarkable people,
   Frank stood out from his peers. A collector all his life, Frank
   was past president of the Rochester Numismatic Association
   and also served the Numismatic Bibliomania Society as

   Over the past fifteen years, Frank formed an outstanding
   numismatic library.  Coming from an old-time numismatic
   family, Frank was deeply engrossed in American numismatics
   but his interests ranged far wider than that and he sought and
   obtained key numismatic works in an impressive number of
   other areas. At heart, Frank was a historian, and perhaps his
   first love was his extensive library centering on New York
   and early American history, particularly as it relates to native

   In some ways Frank was like Jack Collins. Opinionated and
   pugnacious at times, Frank, like Jack, had a heart of gold and
   was a valued friend.  He truly loved his family. His wife of 31
   years, Barbara, was his treasure. He was devoted to her and
   often commented to me that she was the brains of the family,
   though those who knew him are well aware that this "simple
   farmer" from upstate New York was certainly not lacking in
   that department. He likewise doted on his only son Bill.

   Bill Coe forwarded an following obituary notice from the
   from the Sunday, October 31, 2004  Democrat and Chronicle
   newspaper, of Rochester, NY:

   October 30, 2004  Livonia, NY, Age 55

   Friends may call Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2-4, 7-9 p.m. at Kevin
   W. Dougherty Funeral Home, Inc., Route 15, Livonia, NY,
   where services will be held Wednesday, Nov. 3 at 10:00 a.m.
   Burial, Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Geneseo, NY.   Friends
   wishing may make memorial contributions to the Geneseo
   Dialysis Center, C/O Noyes Memorial Hospital, Dansville,
   NY 14437.

   Visitation hours are on Tuesday, from 2:00 to 4:00 and 7:00
   to 9:00 PM. Funeral services will be held at 10:00 AM on
   Wednesday, November 3rd, at the Kevin Dougherty Funeral
   Home, 21 Big Tree Street, Livonia, New York, 14487.
   Tel: (585) 346-5401."


   E. Tomlinson Fort, Editor of our print journal, The Asylum,
   writes: "After numerous delays, most involving changes to the
   cover or my "real" job, the 25th anniversary issue of The
   Asylum was mailed to members on Friday.  With luck,
   NBS members should start receiving their issue by the end
   of the week. Those who purchased our limited edition
   hardcover will have to wait a few weeks longer. The copies
   were shipped to the bindery at the same time and it will take
   them two or three weeks to complete the work.

   Finally, as always, I need material for the Fall issue and
   beyond. Several people talked to me about possible
   submissions at the ANA and none of these have yet to
   reach my mail box (either in cyberspace [etfort at]
   or P.O. Box 77131, Pittsburgh, PA  15215)."


   David Fanning of Fanning Books (also the Editor-in-Chief
   of The Asylum) writes: "My third fixed price list of numismatic
   literature will be published in the next week. The 32-page
   catalogue features important 19th- and 20th-century U.S.
   material, including items from the libraries of Joel Orosz and
   Wayne Homren. Rarities include a copy of the first article on
   a numismatic subject ever published in the United States
   (James Mease, 1821); runs of the Historical Magazine and
   Frossard's Numisma; early works by John K. Curtis and
   sales by Bangs; and interesting and scarce publications by
   the various firms headed by Q. David Bowers. The free
   catalogue is available in hard copy (limited quantities) or in
   PDF format and can be requested from David Fanning at
   fanning32 at

   David F. Fanning
   Fanning Books
   P.O. Box 6153
   Columbus, OH 43206 "


   Tom Sheehan writes: "I am meeting this weekend with Neil
   Shafer and Doug Corrigan in Santa Barbara to coordinate
   our efforts in researching and publishing a catalogue of the
   Panic scrip of 1893, 1907 and 1914.  Could you again ask
   the esylum readers for assistance. We could use listings of
   scrip in their collections, photos and contemporaneous
   articles on the subject.

   The last time we did this several people responded and I
   hope more will come forward this time.  I have keep the
   names of the people who replied and will be sure to
   acknowledge them.

   Reply to ThomasSheehan at or write to me at
   P. O. Box 1477, Edmonds, WA  98020-1477
   Thanks, Tom."


   Tom's request for information on Panic scrip is timely.
   A few weeks ago I acquired an interesting pair of volumes
   for my library.  They are bound volumes of Sound Money,
   a periodical produced by the Sound Currency Committee
   of the Reform Club (Vol II/III, 1895/1896, Vols VI/VII,

   The Reform Club was an organization formed during the
   great "currency question" debates of the William Jennings
   Bryan presidential candidacies.  Although I generally shy
   away from the literature of this era for fear that the politics
   distorts the writing, I was delighted to find a number of
   straightforward articles relating to the history of money and
   currency.  The one which first caught my eye is in the
   February 15, 1895 issue (Vol. II, No. 6), titled "The
   Currency Famine of 1893" by John Dewitt Warner.  The
   20-page article illustrates 48 specimens of the 1893 panic
   scrip.  I've never seen this many 1893 notes illustrated in
   one place - this may be the most comprehensive listing
   ever compiled prior to the work now underway.

   Other articles in the volume discuss the bank currency of
   various states, Canada and Scotland, as well as compilations
   of coinage laws.  The March 15, 1896 issue  (Vol. III, No. 8)
   has an 8-page page article by Simon W. Rosendale on
   "Wampum Currency: The Story Told by the Colonial
   Ordinances of New Netherlands."


   Joe Ciccone, American Numismatic Society Archivist writes:
   "I am happy to announce the launch of a new website on the
   history of ANS publishing.  Located at,
   the site is designed to serve as a quick reference resource for
   all the monograph series and periodicals published by the
   ANS since its inception in 1858.   (Please note that
   monographs not published as part of a series are not included,
   but will be added shortly.)

   Visitors to the site can find, for each series or periodical, a
   brief paragraph describing the series or periodical and, for
   series, a list of all titles.  In addition, an image of the first
   of each series or periodical is included."


   John W. Adams writes: "In his 1957 paper on the Dupre
   material at the American Philosophical Society, Carl Zigrosser
   mentions a four page pamphlet, published in 1783, describing
   the Libertas Americana medal. .Zigrosser also mentions an
   engraved broadsheet explaining the medal, illustrating the copy
   belonging to the APS. Have your readers ever seen copies of
   the pamphlet or other copies of the broadsheet?"


   Mike Marotta writes: "On the Usenet newsgroup
   rec.collecting.coins,  Roger DeWardt Lane asked about a
   medal designed by Victor D. Brenner.  (Lane is the author of
   "Modern Dime Size Coins of the World", a CD which won
   the 2003 Numismatic Literary Guild Award for for Best
   Software.)  Lane found the medal at a swap meet.  The
   obverse shows a woman reading a manuscript;  in the exergue
   is "For Fine Craftsmanship." The reverse says "Haney Medal
   Awarded 1940 by the School Art League of New York City"
   with "Medallic Art Co." below.  Brenner's name is vertical
   along the left side of the obverse.  Lane asked, "Who was

   Searching the Worldwide Web via Google, I put together a
   long reply and posted it to RCC in the thread "Does anyone
   know who HANEY was?"   Here is a synopsis:

   James Parton Haney was an art educator.  He is associated
   with the School Art League of New York City. He had at
   least one exhibition of his own drawings in Chicago  March
   15 thru April 2, 1917.  He edited a book in 1908 titled: "Art
   Education in the Public Schools of the United States." You
   can see Haney's work at the John H. Vanderpoel Art
   Association in Chicago. Dr. Mary Ann Stankiewicz (Penn
   State) said in the Caucus on Social Theory and Art Education
   maillist newsletter: "...Frank Alvah Parsons and Henry Turner
   Bailey and James Parton Haney who believed they had
   qualifications that insured their superiority over female
   teachers of art and art amateurs..."

   While I was uploading that, Bust coin enthusiast, Byron L.
   Reed, posted this: "It might be James Parton Haney, a

   The medal can be seen at "


   K. Bestwick of the U.K. writes: "I have been really
   interested in your comments about the Duval-Janvier
   reducing machine and have tried to do a little research
   myself but Janvier is proving to be very elusive and
   Duval impossible. I would like to know how Janvier
   started his company and whether he was related to the
   clockmaker Antide Janvier.   I have discovered that his
   premises at 64 rue du Faubourg St Denis in Paris are
   now used as a mosque but little else as yet."


   Bill Bischoff writes: "People are best advised to go to the
   German site concerning the Bode exhibition, as given by
   Chris Hoelzle.  When I saw the figure of 500,000 coins on
   display in an earlier entry I knew that something was very
   wrong: even in its new headquarters, the ANS would have
   to take over a dozen blocks or more to exhibit half a
   million coins!  The correct figure, given on the German
   website, is ca. 2000  coins.  The rest of the text details the
   holdings of the collection (which, in toto, come to ca.
   500,000).  Anyway, who can absorb 2000 coins at one
   viewing, not to mention 25 times that many?
   Ars longa, vita brevis est."

   Alan V. Weinberg writes: "Regarding the segment on Berlin's
   Bode Museum exhibition of coins:

   In the summer of 1966 I toured Europe extensively and
   wound up in  communist East Berlin. I'd heard of a numismatic
   display at a museum there and went to see it - the name of the
   museum now escapes me. As I walked in, I was astonished
   to see displayed on a wall case a gold Joseph Manly 1790
   George Washington medal, an original (Born Virginia) Baker
   61. If they had that, what else in classic American coins &
   medals did they have?

   I wonder if the Bode Museum, Berlin having since been united,
   is that museum I visited?

   Also, the same summer at the Royal Museum in Copenhagen
   Denmark, I asked to see some of their American coins kept
   in the vaults. I examined a Gem Uncirculated Noe 1 Oak Tree
   shilling, a gem proof early Bust 1820's quarter, a choice Unc
   1795 flowing hair dollar,  and other superb early American
   coins that escape me now. The  tickets accompanying the
   coins all indicated acquisition in the very early 1800's."


   Bruce Burton writes: "The times I saw a coin department
   within a department store were at Macy's (Kansas City, ca.
   1963-ish), Houston (downtown ca. 1977, I don't recall
   what store) and Sear's (I think) in Lisbon, Portugal in
   about 1979."

   Myron Xenos writes: "Back in 1956, I was a high school
   senior, and did my shopping, so to speak, at Halle Bros.
   Dept. Store,  the building which now houses the Drew
   Carey TV show's Winfred Lauder Store.

   48 years ago, the stamp & coin dept. was operated
   by Carl DiFalco, who was my mentor in the coin hobby.
   One day I was looking at some coins and also bought
   some stamps from the King Farouk collection. Carl
   looked at me and said, much like a father would,"You
   can't collect both stamps & coins successfully. You
   have to divorce one or the other." Not wanting to be
   thought a bigamist, I chose coins.

  Several years later, I became his accountant and
   tax advisor when he opened his own shop.From one
   decade to the next, I became his mentor regarding
   his finances. His eyesight began to fail, and I then
   had a coin dealer who was legally blind. We were
   friends till he died, but we spent many hours sharing
   our opinions about numismatics, politics, and taxes."

   David Lange writes: "My first coin purchase was from a
   Woolworth store. Until that time (c.1967) I had always
   wondered how collectors found all the old coins I saw listed
   in the Blue Book (my entire library at the time). I knew they
   certainly couldn't be found in circulation, and it hadn't
   occurred to me that old coins were actually for sale until I
   saw them at the dime store. The coins were mounted in
   2x2s and displayed within swinging, glass and metal frames
   of the sort used by libraries to display historic newspapers
   and photographs. My first purchase was of a 1914 cent in
   Good condition, priced at 75 cents. It was a high price at
   the time, and it remains above retail even today. Mom was
   a bit skeptical of paying 75 cents for a penny, but I had to
   have it.

   A couple years later I began buying from the coin and
   stamp department at The Emporium department store,
   downtown San Francisco's largest retailer at the time.
   Dad would drive me down there on Saturday mornings so
   I could relieve myself of whatever money I had managed to
   acquire from doing work around the house and other odd
   sources. I bought BU Roosevelt Dimes to fill the few holes
   remaining in my set, along with Buffalo Nickels that actually
   had readable dates. I also acquired 1892 and 1893
   Columbian Halves for $3 apiece, along with a few heavily
   worn Barber coins. I lusted after the sandwich bags filled
   with dozens of Walking Liberty Halves and Indian Head
   Cents, all different dates. These were priced way beyond
   my budget, but I was surprised for my birthday one year
   with a bag containing almost an entire set of Mercury
   Dimes. Such coins seem so ordinary and worthless now,
   but to a kid who daily searched in vain for anything dated
   before 1940 this was absolutely magical.

   Both store chains gave up their coin and stamp franchises
   in the early 1980s, about the same time that neighborhood
   coin shops likewise disappeared at a high rate. Now,
   twenty years later, both Woolworth and The Emporium
   are history. Buying coins from eBay may be more efficient
   and cost effective (if done correctly), but somehow the
   magic just isn't there anymore. Old coins and stamps,
   attractively presented, were a powerful lure to bored kids
   being dragged around by Mom while she shopped for
   clothes and other uninteresting stuff."

   Ken Berger writes: "Regarding the Golden Age of
   department store coin shops, I have an item of interest.
   Growing up in New York City, we had two major
   department stores next to each other in Manhattan:
   Macy's on 34th Street & Gimbel's on 33rd Street.
   Periodically, my family would go into the City (this is the
   way residents of the other four boroughs of NYC refer to
   Manhattan) to go shopping.  Macy's didn't have a coin
   (or stamp) department but Gimbel's did.  I seem to recall
   that both the coin & stamp departments were next to each
   other on the ground floor, with the stamp department being
   bigger than the coin department.  At that time, they
   emphasized the fact that they were selling stamps from
   President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's collection. This was
   in the late 50s & early 60s.

   To make a long story short, I have a copy of Gimbel's "1961
   Coin Price List No. 1." Some prices are as follow:

   4-Piece Gold Set (2 1/2, 5, 10 & 20). "The coins ... are in
   choice and brilliant condition ... Each set is mounted for
   presentation & display in a sparkling lucite holder." --- $145.00

   1798-1803 Silver Dollars in VF (choice of date by Gimbel's)
   --- $65.00

   1933-1934 Vatican Jubilee 100 lire gold coin --- $50.00

   1893 Columbian Half Dollar in Unc. --- $2.50

   Those were the days."

   Denis Loring writes: "Many years ago I went into Rich's
   department store, I think it was in Denver.  I asked to look at
   their large cents.  They had an "1800 Fair" for sale for $6.00.
   It was indeed a Fair, clean and very well worn. Only the top
   half of the date was visible, but that was enough to tell that
   they had missed it by a year -- it was a 1799. Needless to
   say, I bought it-- even paid the sales tax."

   An anonymous reader writes: "In your piece on coin
   departments in department stores, you posed the question:
   "Why did the practice die out in the first place?" (see below).
   Many of these coin departments and stamp departments
   were actually owned by independent companies who leased
   space from the department stores, much in the same fashion
   as stores currently lease space from shopping malls.  What
   killed these retailers was probably the percentage of gross
   sales demanded by the department store.  This would also
   account for why few coin stores are located in shopping malls.

   To be successful as an independent leaser of space in a
   department store (or a mall), you have to sell high markup
   goods.  That's why shoe stores and women's fashions are
   leading retail categories in malls.

    I'm hardly an expert on this subject, but I know someone
   who can probably give you the definitive answer.  I'm
   referring to Arthur Friedberg of Capital Coin Company in
   Clifton, NJ.  I believe his firm was the largest owner of
   these coin departments in department stores across the
   country.  As I recall, Capital abandoned these coin
   departments during the early to mid-1980's.  I remember
   Art posing the question:  "How can you agree to a lease
   that requires you to pay a percentage of the gross on your
   Krugerrand sales?"

   Dick Johnson writes: "In response to our editor’s inquiry about
   the Golden Age of department stores' coin shops: The giant of
   this field was Robert Friedberg. At the height of his empire in
   the 1960s and 1970s he operated 35 of these coin departments
   in Gimbel’s stores across America. This is the same Robert
   Friedberg who wrote the early standard works on U.S. paper
   money and world gold coins. He published these in addition to
   Hibler and Kappen’s "So-Called Dollars." the standard work
   on dollar-size medals.

   He taught himself numismatics in the reading room of the New
   York Public Library, went on to create Coin and Currency
   Institute for his numismatic firm. He ran this empire from a
   building across the street from Gimbel’s flagship store in New
   York City. It was a family firm. He brought in his brother, his
   wife, and ultimately his two sons to help manage this giant firm.

   Can you imagine the buying they must have done to keep
   these departments supplied with material? The customers were
   primarily women, buying gifts for family members. So there
   were a lot of sales of coin supplies, but they had to stock
   numismatic material as well. It was natural for Bob Friedberg
   to join forces with Medallic Art Company when the Hall of
   Fame medal series was inaugurated; Coin and Currency
   Institute was the exclusive distributor. Friedberg’s buying of
   numismatic material extended worldwide. It was so extensive
   he was even the owner of an 1804 dollar.

   His sons, Arthur and Ira, are still active in the numismatic
   field. Perhaps they will read this and respond with some
   reminiscences of their numismatically famous father and the
   perils and profits of the coin departments empire."

   [If any of our readers are in touch with the Friedbergs,
   please forward this item to them and ask if they'd care
   to share some memories with us.  -Editor]


   Roger deWardt Lane of Hollywood, Florida writes: "You
   made me think back to when I started collecting coins with
   my young children.  The SEARS near where I lived had a
   "Coin counter" and we nearly bought them out at twenty-five
   cents each for world coins.

   It was 1966, I was in Dayton, Ohio at NCR computer
   school studying programming in COBOL. Two weeks had
   almost ended; soon it would be time to return home to

   Like a good husband and father, I thought of gifts to take
   home, so when the class let out early one afternoon, I
   walked from the Sheridan Hotel, where the classes were
   being held and where I was staying with about twenty-five
   other hotel industry people, down the street to the local
   large department store. Rikes was the name, and after
   making a jewelry purchase, adding a new gold charm for
   my wife’s bracelet, I looked around for a gift for my
   10-year-old daughter. I found a very nice orange off the
   shoulder leather handbag for Andria.

   What should I get my six-year-old son?  The store had a
   rather large stamp and coin department. Andria and I had
   both done stamps, she collecting Israel stamps and I, as a
   teenager years earlier, remounting and adding to my father’s
   stamp album. But none of us had ever looked at coins,
   except the usual penny boards that most young boys start
   with, out of pocket change.

   So, I made a six-dollar investment in six modern mint sets
   for my son.  I can now tell you, that this started a hobby
   and lifetime pursuit to become a numismatist

   My interest in Modern Dime Size Silver Coins of the World
   began over twenty-five years ago, quite by accident best
   told by this little story once used for an exhibit at a coin show.

   “Once upon a time, there was a very busy executive far far
   away on a business trip.  Thoughtfully, before returning to his
   native land he visited a local emporium in search of gifts.
   Gold for his Fair Lady, leather goods for the beautiful
   daughter and foreign mint sets for his young son.

   “Now as time went on, this bright young man of seven years
   became an enthusiastic collector with weekly trips to centers
   of knowledge; the local coin stores in search of souvenirs of
  far-a-way lands - all from the junk bowl.

   “Dear Old Dad soon started calling himself a numismatist
   and proudly showed off to his friends and neighbors his new
   Crown collection and with his Fair Lady they joined the
   local Council of Collectors.

   “Now the beautiful little Daughter wished to join the clan with
   specialization mirroring her father, but being of limited budget,
   spotted the shiny little coins of Dime Size Silver that true to
   the cataloguers adjustment for size were like her Dad’s in all
   respects except size and cost.

   “Thus the Collection of Dime Size Silver Coins of the World
   came into being.  True to their young ages other interests soon
   replaced the learned endeavors, leaving Dear Old Dad to carry
   on the new pursuit; to study and catalogue Modern Dime Size
   Silver Coins of the World, and they all lived happily ever after”.


   In an earlier E-Sylum issue, we mentioned the traveling
   exhibit of concentration camp money currently making
   the rounds.   An article in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram
   describes the collection's latest stop. [Sorry we're late
   publishing this - it just missed last week's issue. -Editor]

   "A traveling exhibit of one of the world's larger collections
   of paper money issued in Nazi-imposed ghettos and
   concentration camps is on display through Oct. 29 at
   Frost Bank, 4200 S. Hulen St.

   The currency -- issued at 13 concentration camps including
   Auschwitz in Poland, Dachau and Buchenwald in Germany,
   and the Warsaw, Poland,ghetto -- is on loan from the
   Holocaust Museum Houston."

   "Livia Levine of Fort Worth, a survivor of the camps at
   Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen, Germany, said it was
   something she had never seen.

   "Not only did I not see it, I never heard about it," Levine,
   80, said as she visited the display.

   She said there was nothing to buy or sell in the camps.

   "Sometimes we traded a little piece of bread for a little
   piece of potato. That was it," she said."

   The artifacts are part of a 400-piece collection donated to
   the museum by Charleton Meyer, a money and coin
   collector from Shreveport, La., who collected it to help
   document the Holocaust."

   To read the full story, see:


   Rick Witschonke writes: "Dave Kellog's note in response
   to your request for recollections of Dr. Leo Mildenberg
   reminds me that I also attended Leo's talk in Boston.  I
   subsequently had the opportunity to sit next to Leo at an
   ANS-sponsered dinner that evening, and I asked him about
   the "eye" for great style in an ancient coin.  He allowed that
   it was a rather rare gift.  When I pressed him as to who he
   thought had the gift, he singled out Sylvia Hurter (his assistant
   and eventual successor as the head of the Numismatic
   Department at Bank Leu), and Bruce McNall (former head
   of Numismatic Fine Arts, and sometime prison inmate; I
   recommend his recent autobiography)."


   Arthur Shippee writes: "Yale Art Gallery has new
   web site up: "


   Bob Yuell writes: "I have reread the entry for lot #518 of
   the Green collection.    There is a quote that says ".....which
   are arranged by date of acquisition".    But that refers to Virgil
   Brands ledgers.  If my guess is correct that Green was the
   purchaser, the citation for the Eaton Collection could be


   NBS Board members Joel J. Orosz and John J. Kralkevich,
   Jr. have published a very interesting article in the Fall/Winter
   issue of The Numismatic Sun (issue #4), published by American
   Numismatic Rarities.  The title is "Continental Paper Money
   From the Dawn of U.S. Numismatics: The Newly Discovered
   Jacob Giles Morris Volume, The Oldest Intact American
   Numismatic Collection in Existence."

   The article discusses a volume recently donated to the
   Colonial Williamsburg Museum by descendants of Morris.


   Dick Johnson writes: "I collect numismatic books for one
   reason -- to learn something new in the field.  After sixty-five
   years in the field -- my father gave me a Whitman penny
   board in February 1939, not the fold up kind, the flat board
   kind -- I am still learning.  It have read something about
   every aspect of numismatics.  I have studied selected topics
   -- like medallic art, coin and medal technology and coin and
   medal artists, and have  written on these subjects. But I can
   still learn more.

   What are your reasons?

   You might find this midwestern college professor's reasons
   interesting in an article "My Own Private Library."  He gives
   lots of reasons: Convenience. Pedagogy. Economics.
   Preservation. Community.Aesthetics. Hope.

   You will enjoy reading this:


   The Buttrey-Kleeberg web site housing their writings on
   gold bars has been moved:

   "Professor T. V. Buttrey, Jr., of Cambridge, and Dr. John
   M. Kleeberg, of New York City, have moved their website
   about the false western gold bars and false Mexican gold
   bars (a controversy that some have called "the Great Debate")
   to a new website.  The new address is: "


   The Denver Journal-Sentinel published an article October
   24 about the workings of the Denver Mint.  Here are some

   "The Mint contracts with companies that supply 13-inch-wide
   flat metal coils - from which nickels, dimes, quarters and half
   dollars are stamped - or penny planchets, which are purchased

   The planchets are fed into stamping machines, where they
   inch their way down tiny chutes and are imprinted with
   Lincoln's head and his monument."

   "The 4-ton metal coils are about 41/2 feet high. They are put
   on rollers and fed into a blanking machine, where they're
   stamped up to 700 times, creating the blanks that will
   eventually become a quarter or nickel.

   On a recent tour of the Denver Mint, plant manager Tim Riley
   plunged his hands into a tub and scooped up what looked like
   little metal bow ties - what's left over from the stamped metal
   - which is sent back to the coil manufacturer to be melted
   down and recycled."

   "Planchets are washed in a mixture of soap, cream of tartar
   and water and then dried. They're checked for imperfections
   - wrong size or shape - and the good ones go through an
   upsetting mill, which raises a rim around their edges. Riley
   said this makes it easier to center the blanks when they're
   struck by dies."

   "Above each striking machine is a large photo of the coin,
   which shows spots where cracks or chips are most often
   found. On the nickels, Thomas Jefferson's eyebrow, mouth
   and chin are marked as trouble spots.

   "There's different places where they'll start to chip out,
   depending on the coin," Riley said. "That's what makes it
   difficult for the quarter, because we have a different design
   every 10 weeks."

   "On this day, the first day the Wisconsin quarter is being
   struck, inspectors peering through magnifying loupes have
   already discovered that a spot below the cow's neck chips

   "A mint worker showed visitors two dies used to stamp
   the Wisconsin quarter.

   They looked fine, but under a magnifying glass, part of
   Washington's head can be seen among the cow, cheese
   and corn - the result of the dies striking each other without
   a blank coin between them. The bad dies will be defaced
   further so they can't be used again. The Mint sells used
   dies to collectors."

   "Riley, who collects each year's proof sets, knows the plant
   he oversees isn't just another factory turning out widgets.

   "When you're around it day in, day out, you're aware it's
   not just a product. It's part of our nation's history and our
   nation's commerce," Riley said in an interview inside his
   Denver office, the same office used by mint managers since
   the building opened a century ago when double eagles and
   half eagles - $20 and $5 gold pieces - were rolling off the
   assembly line.

   "They're not just stamping out little discs. They're stamping
   out coins that will be held by millions of people."


   An Australian publication "The Age"  recently published a
   very lengthy and interesting article about Andor Meszaros
   and his son Michael, medallists of Melbourne, Australia.
   The following are a few excerpts.  Those interested in
   learning more are encouraged to follow the link and read
   the article in its entirety.

   "Monuments stand on the streets and shout to all, while medals
   whisper to individuals. The two are flip sides of the same
   philosophical coin. But on the Meszaros medallions, which
   appear in the British Museum and national galleries here,
   experts are unanimously kind."

   "Australian medallion art would be a very different scene
   without Michael and Andor, says John Sharples, curator
   emeritus of Museum Victoria. Andor's medals are
   "astonishingly good", says another curator, and if you are
   talking about Michael being in the same league as his father
   "stick to the medals".

   MICHAEL'S studio is a cave-like room enveloped by shadow
   and grey dust. When I visited, Michael's niece, Daniel's
   daughter Anna, was waiting upstairs. She is tentatively carving
   out a career of her own, and a few years ago landed a $90,000
   commission from a coalition of churches in Melbourne's CBD
   for 14 bronze sculptures depicting the Stations of the Cross.
   Hanging over her, a constant thorn in her side, was Andor's
   masterstroke; the Canterbury Stations of the Cross medallion
   series, completed only days before his death.

   Michael displays some of his medals. Manhattan, an aerial
   view of the city's skyscrapers has jagged edges, creating a
   vertiginous effect of gazing down through chasms. The Escape,
   an idea conceived during the Prague spring of 1968, shows a
   person at the coin's bottom flattened under looped barbed

   Some medals are self-referential in-jokes. The Gospel
   According to the Medal is a book/medal where even the
   pages are circular."

   "It began when 38-year-old Andor Meszaros disembarked at
   Port Melbourne's Station Pier in June 1939, leaving behind
   fascist Hungary and ominous Europe. He knew little about
   Australia (other than hearing a few anecdotes from a
   Hungarian anthropologist who had visited briefly to "study the
   Aborigines"), but it was the only option on offer at the British
   embassy in Budapest. His wife, Elizabeth, and their son
   Daniel, Michael's elder brother, were soon to join."

   "Andor knocked on the doors of notables and offered to do
   portrait medallions on a "no obligation" basis. The portrait
   medallion belonged more to Paris or Vienna than to
   Melbourne, but Andor understood the power of flattery. The
   people liked what they saw, spread the word and slowly the
   commissions trickled in. At Glamorgan primary school in
   Toorak, where Daniel studied, his portrait medallions of
   teachers were accepted in lieu of fees when money was short."

   The work has rolled in since Andor's death more than 30
   years ago when, swallowing hard, Michael rang clients with
   outstanding commissions and offered to finish them. Among
   his current jobs is a large sculpture for a major Melbourne

   Michael is a solid 59-year-old man with glasses and a
   Groucho Marx moustache similar to Andor's in his later
   years. Bald on top, with wiry frizz flying out to the sides, the
   look is more mad scientist than bohemian artist."


   Bruce Burton writes: "Regarding Bill Spengler's questions on
   the thickest book, I also have one four inches thick, cover to
   cover, that is a custom bound, "one volume" set of Michael
   Mitchniner's Indo-Greek and Indo-Scythian Coinage, which
   previously existed as nine separate volumes."


   Rich Mantia writes: "I just read an issue of The E-Sylum while
   jumping around on the internet and one of the articles caught
   my attention.  The question was posed as to the thickest
   numismatic book and I'm reasonably sure that I own it. I
   realize that pages and paper thickness matter, but for shear
   thickness it would have to be my copy of the "Redbook".
   Yes, The Guide Book of United States Coins by R. S.
   Yeoman. I own the 1969 edition which was typed in braille
   and is to the best of my knowledge unique. The book is
   slightly thicker than 12 inches. It was so thick when typed
   that it couldn't be bound in one volume. It takes nine volumes
   to create the single book. Page counts vary from volume to
   volume while the cover size remains at 11 1/2 by 12. It is
   considered to be one book because it is fully transcripted
   from the regular 1969 edition. This was done in 1969, not
   recently. I also believe that it is the only numismatic book
   that was ever written in braille. On the lighter side, it is not
   this thick from ever having been water logged."

   [If the date were April first I'd be certain this was a joke.
   Blind numismatists?   This sounded to me like something
   cooked up after drinking one too many steins of German
   beer after a Milwaukee Central States coin convention.

   Of course, one needn't collect or even see coins to
   appreciate their history.   When I asked for more information
   about the edition, Rich sent pictures along with the following
   note.  -Editor]

   Rich Mantia writes: "I don't mind giving more information
   about my "Redbook". I first became interested in "Redbooks"
   when I read an article by Ginger Rapsus in the September
   1988 issue of "The Numismatist". I didn't start to collect
   "Redbooks" actively until several years later, but I'm blessed
   with a good memory and I referred back to the issue when
   I wanted to collect on a serious level. I'm aware that the value
   in any collection is in its completeness as well as condition
   and I decided to start with the rare copies first. I used the
   article as the basis for my collection and I've collected every
   item listed in it as well as some items that aren't listed.

   I purchased the braille "Redbook" some years back in a
   private transaction for a substantial price that I shall keep to
   myself. I have sent along some photos of it which help verify
   its existence. In the photos one can see that the book was
   transcribed for Davyd Pepito who was a member of the
   Covina Coin Club. It was done by Ms. Lois Kelly of the
   San Gabriel Valley Transcibers in Covina, California over
   a period of 3 months in 1969. The page counts vary from
   volume to volume, but on average it took 4 braille pages to
   equal 1 printed page. My guess is that there are about 1000
   pages in the 9 volumes total.

   The 9 volumes combined weigh more than 26 pounds. The
   book has only been displayed a few times at some regional
   shows over the years and I have no desire to bring it out for
   more displays because it doesn't look as impressive as a
   showcase full of rare coins. It is rather bland in its appearance,
   because after all it is page after page of impressed bumps
   with no inked words to accompany. To my knowledge it is
   unique in that it is the only "Redbook" to be in braille and also
   the only numismatic book ever written in braille.

   More than anything else the greatness of Mr. Richard Yeo
   stands out because it is his book that stands out as being the
   one that reached into the darkness of a blind childs' life and
   helped him enjoy a hobby that we take for granted. Perhaps
   Davyd Pepito can be known as a pioneer coin collector
   who loved coins without ever seeing them and his name
   should be chiseled in stone on the new A.N. S. building as
   prominently as the scholars of the past.   I hope this helps
   answer your questions."


   Dick Johnson writes: "In West Milford, Passaic County,
   New Jersey, if you travel on a scary road -- Clinton Road
   -- at night you might see KKK sightings, Nazi meetings,
   haunted dogs, a creepy castle and an old lady who walks
   on the same side as you are driving.

   You will cross over a little bridge. Years ago a little boy
   was walking on this road one night and a car sped fast
   around a sharp turn and hit him and the boy fell over the
   little bridge and died. They say if you throw a penny over
   the bridge at exactly midnight, he throws it back to you.

   Creepy huh? You can read more on "


   This week's featured web site is recommended by Larry
   Mitchell - the Money Museum of the Deutsche Bundesbank.

  Wayne Homren
  Numismatic Bibliomania Society

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